
jp 26-05-17

bleak for bees—

a farmer is spraying

the troops

Bees are taught to play FOOTBALL:

Smart insects reveal they can learn

by watching others play a game

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Get ready for SUPERBEES: Scientists

reveal plan to breed insects resistant

to diseases and even stress

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Monsanto buys leading bee research firm after being implicated in bee

colony collapse ---Natural News

Below are 2 documentaries which are well worth watching (FREE) here:


Vanishing of the Bees

Website with more information: Plan Bee

'Prime suspect' in bee colony deaths is found - a parasitic mite that spreads viruses while feeding on the insects' 'blood'

"Parasitic mites have 'turbo-charged' the spread of a deadly virus that is killing honey bee colonies around the world."

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Good to bee back! Extinct species returns to Britain after 24 years

"A bumblebee declared extinct 24 years ago has been reintroduced to Britain."

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sipping Dr. Frankenstein elixir

one bee amongst many

lives also sincerely

What's Behind Illinois Stealing Local Hero's Bee Hives?

"An Illinois beekeeper whose bee hives were stolen and allegedly destroyed by the Illinois Department of Agriculture has

stirred up a hornet's nest with his questions on why the state did this, and most importantly, what they did with his bees."

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"Scientists at Arizona State University discovered that older honey bees can effectively reverse brain ageing when they take on responsibilities typically handled by much younger bees." - learn more

"The secret to staying young: How thinking like a bee can reverse brain aging." - learn more

"Good to bee back: 'Extinct' British breed of honeybee found alive and well in church rafters after nearly 80 years." - learn more

Bee-have!: Delta flight delayed when thousands of honeybees descend on plane's wing

"Beekeepers often show off by creating a 'bee beard' by placing the queen of the swarm on their faces, and don't get stung." - The History Man, France

"A pound of bees is about 3500 bees[...]A swarm loads up on honey before it leaves the hive and is easy to deal with unless they get stuck out for several days or get rained on. When they are clustered like that, they send scout bees out to find a new home, hopefully an empty hive. 'A swarm in May is worth a load of hay; a swarm in June is worth a silver spoon; a swarm in July isn't worth a fly' ." - buzz, US

"A swarm in May is worth a load of hay; a swarm in June is worth a silver spoon; a swarm in July isn't worth a fly."

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"Bees are such consummate flyers that some species can achieve speeds of 45 mph, weight for weight they can produce the same power output as an aircraft piston engine. It can fly 2 million miles per gallon of honey." - Simon G Powell

Is a cocktail of pesticides wiping out our bees?

The number of honey bees has halved since the 1980s and three of the UK's 25 bumblebees are now extinct

Combination of chemicals Is having a 'worrying impact' on wild bumblebees

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It's not hard to bee an art critic: How a honeybee can distinguish between a Monet and a Picasso

Honeybees are discerning art critics, new research has shown.

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Pesticides widely used in Britain are 'harming bees and should not be used on flowering crops'

Neonicotinoids are pesticides applied directly to seed, so the crop grows up resistant to pests. But they have

been linked to the steady decline of bee populations, and are known the affect the creatures nervous system

with fatal results.

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Flowers get an electrifying buzz out of visiting bees

Plants could turn out to be one of the more chatty organisms. Recent studies have shown can communicate

with a surprising range of cues. Now it turns out they could be sending out electrical signals, too.

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Coffee plants give bees a real buzz: Caffeine boost improves insect's memories and encourages pollinate

The caffeine helps a bee remember that the flower's scent promises a tasty payoff, the researchers said. So

the bee will seek out those flowers, transferring their pollen.

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Bee sting venom could prevent the spread of HIV, doctors claim

Toxins in the insects' venom can destroy the virus and leave surrounding cells unharmed, it has been found.

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Bee sting venom could prevent the spread of HIV, doctors claim

Toxins in the insects' venom can destroy the virus and leave surrounding cells unharmed, it has been found.

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The Croatian 'bomb bees' that can sniff out landmines from THREE MILES away

Bees trained using sugar solution mixed with the aroma of explosives. . .

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Insecticide 'unacceptable' danger to bees, report finds

Conclusion by the European Food Safety Authority is a 'death knell' for neonicotinoid pesticides. . .

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V I C T O R Y !

'Victory for bees' as European Union bans neonicotinoid pesticides blamed for destroying bee population

15 of the 27 member states voted for a two-year restriction on neonicotinoids despite opposition by countries including Britain

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Europe bans bee-killing neonicotinoid pesticides: When will America take action?

Neonicotinoid pesticides pose an "unacceptable" risk to bees, concluding that the scientific evidence currently

on the books does not point to these pervasive chemicals being at all safe for bees.

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Seventy-five percent of honey bought at the supermarket isn't real honey

Large scale tests on US supermarket honey now reveal that roughly 75 percent of honey isn't even real.

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Beekeeping Industry 'Doomed' -- Might We See Destruction of Food Supply Before the End of This Decade?

This year, the US experienced the highest losses of honeybee populations so far, with most of the nation’s

beekeepers losing anywhere from 50 to 90 percent of their bee population.

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More than 25,000 bumblebees fall from Oregon sky due to insecticide poisoning

Shoppers at a local Target store in Wilsonville, Oregon, just outside of Portland were shocked recently to step

outside the big box depot into a sea of already dead and dying bumblebees.

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Pesticide opposition group calls for government to ban bee-killing pesticides

Neonicotinoid pesticides, including the likes of imidacloprid, clothianidin, thiamethoxam, dinetofuran and

acetamiprid, are coming under heavy scrutiny.

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Scientists Discover Fungicide and Pesticide are Killing Bees?and It's Worse Than You Thought

What makes the research particularly unique is the concerning data on fungicides, which has so far been

assumed to be safe for bees. While farmers are advised to avoid spraying pesticides when bees are present,

for instance, fungicides contain no such warnings.

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The Neonicotinoid View: Peter Jenkins Discusses EPA Lawsuit

On March 21, 2013, a law suit was filed in Federal District Court against the U.S. Environmental

Protection Agency (EPA), for its failure to protect pollinators from dangerous pesticides.

Farmers could be paid to set up 3,000-mile network of 'bee motorways' to stop insect decline by helping them

migrate around Britain It is hoped that the 'bee lines' would also help butterflies, moths & hover flies to spread

their wings and breed across Britain. learn more

Farmers could be paid to set up 3,000-mile network of 'bee motorways' to stop insect decline by helping them

migrate around Britain The plan is to encourage migration across the country rather than having certain

insects confined to separate patches of the country, as is the case with some species now..learn more

Bees suffer dementia due to metal pollution: Aluminium contamination may be behind insect decline

A scientific study found high amounts of aluminium contamination in bees at levels that would cause brain

damage in humans. learn more

Bees get hooked on nicotine too: Insects seek out plants laced with the chemical even though it can make

them sickBees may be getting hooked on nectar laced with nicotine-related chemicals in a similar way to

how humans are addicted to the drug in cigarettes. learn more

Bumblebees could be wiped out by global warming - here's why. . .

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Bee Plants

Attracting More Bees And Pollinators to Your Garden. . .

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Keepers swarm to Haiku for conference

Learning about the bees-ness

"Working with them and knowing what they do in the colony, it's mind-boggling."

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Tiny 'backpack' that could save the bee:

Hi tech system monitor insects could solve the mystery

of why they are dying in massive numbers

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"I bought a record of wasp sounds but didn't recognise any of them.

Turned out I was listening to the B side."

by B rian

bumble bee!

on a summer breeze—


Bee keeper left exasperated as colony produces unsellable mint-flavoured honey feeding at confectionary waste dump

one little guy has flown to the SugaRich plant about half-a-mile away and

found rich source of sugar and then returned and told all his fellow bees.

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"Take only photographs; leave only footprints."

Bee Scene


in its ultra-violet world

the winter bee-

dreams on

one bee


the flowers

Steve Cottingham

probing deeper

than science

honey bee

The Puzzled Goddess

Humans are to blame for wiping out honeybees:

Trading colonies infected with viruses and mites

'is creating an epidemic'

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Every garden needs pollinators & bees are among

the best. Without them there would be limited flowers

and even fewer fruits and vegetables.

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Tubes provide homes for solitary bees. Bee more

attractive: How entice pollinators into your garden.

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European Scientists Discover Bee Resurgence After Banning

These 3 Pesticides Still Used in The US

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What’s the buzz? Swarm chases car for two days after queen

bee gets stuck in the boot Experts believe a swarm of bees made

a beeline for a Mitsubishi Outlander in Haverfordwest because their

queen got stuck in the boot.

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The REAL queen Bee The poll has resulted in the names ‘Bee

McBeeface’ and 'Beeyoncé'

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USDA bans honeybee-saving environmentalists from yearly

Pollinator Festival; invites chemical industry instead

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Nature's honeytrap for bees: Plants have a flair for arranging

their flowers to lure in passing insects

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What kills bees? Pesticides, yes, but also pathogens, poor

nutrition, and varroa mites. Especially varroa mites.

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This Morning roof has played host to 100,000 bees who have

been working tirelessly to create...

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Creating bee 'superhighways' may be only way to reverse

the dramatic decline in their numbers

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Is your garden fungicide killing bees? Chemical that

protects roses from disease damages the insects'

muscleslearn more

Bee-ware! Listen to the strange 'whoop' sound scientists found

bees emit when they bump into each otherlearn more

Shoppers run for cover as giant swarm of thousands

of BEES descends on historic market townlearn more

Bee in your bonnet? Driver, 57, is left stranded after

a swarm of 20,000 bees set up home in her Nissan

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Un-stung hero! ‘Bee Man’ plunges hand into stinging

swarms to make a 'living glove' says he is 99.9%

venomlearn more

Three quarters of honey contains harmful pesticides

that could attack our nervous system, according to an

'alarming' study learn more

Revealed: The reason why honey can be runny or soft

set (and the type of FLOWER a bee feeds on is very

important) learn more

Bees losing their buzz: How sound the insects make as

they fly between flowers has been altered by pesticides

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Time for an in-flight meal: Hungry bee-eater gulps down its

favourite meal after recently arriving to nest at a quarry in

Nottinghamshire learn more

Honey bees could be KILLED OFF by a deadly 'one-two punch':

Pesticides and dwindling food supplies are set to wipe out the

insects, scientists warn learn more

Brazen thieves are carrying BEE HIVES in lucrative sting worth

£8,000 a time learn more

A quarter of British honey contaminated with potent bee-killing

pesticides despite a partial ban on the chemicals learn more

Young honeybees who slack off are encouraged to get to work

by a drumming sound made by their older relatives, recordings

have revealed learn more

*Better Copy*

Natural World Buddha Bees and the Giant Hornet Queen: The Giant Japanese Hornet

is the fiercest looking insecton earth, and one of the deadliest.

Honeybees kill invading hornets forming kamikaze 'hot defensive

balls' that reach temperatures in excess of 46°C in a bid to defend

their hive learn more

Bees are brilliant! The human fascination with bees has deep

roots and even goes back to Stone Age art learn more

British bumblebees are getting hooked on the 'nicotine-like'

buzz of dangerous pesticides which could damage their

navigational skills learn more

Bees company! Incredible moment group of worker bees team

up to clean friend after she fell into pot of honey learn more

Swarms of robot bees can pollinate plants if climate change and

pesticides kill off insects, Dutch scientists say (but could they one

day turn on their creators?) learn more

Could the world's first bee vaccine save honeybees? Edible drug

can protect the insects from killer infections learn more

One, two, BEE, four, five! Scientists discover the honey-loving insect

can count using only four brain cells learn more

DoDon't forget your bee-times tables! Scientists discover bees are

capable of attraction and subtraction and can solve simple arithmetic

problemsn't forget your bee-times tables! Scientists discover bees are

capable of attraction and subtraction and can solve simple arithmetic

problems learn more