darkness friend rap

FB THREAD [see 05-12-11 ] needs tidied up and sifted for a possible item.

        • haiku crossroads ‎[haiga — jp] http://tinyurl.com/haiga-visku

          • December 4, 2011

          • Contact: Interesting haiku and a particularly interesting image. Still thinking about L3 though. For now, it feels to me like a seasonal reference was lost somewhere, and, like the cuckoo, laid its egg in another bird's nest! Perhaps there are two haiku in this one .....the first two lines of one, and the last line of the second? Just a thought ....

          • haiku crossroads Still the analytic brain and let the haiku show you. . . .

                • Contact: The response came from my solar plexis, not my brain :) If you don't mind a bit of free association here .... Xmas lights conjure up images of commercial bling for me, rather than the abstract concept of "the streaming light" of a saviour, or the hope inherent in the light of the nativity star. Old Christmas or Christ-masslights might have cast another glimmer in the dark. Probably just my preference for the old words, but I do appreciate that form might have been on your mind too when you wrote ...?

          • haiku crossroads

            • This is a good exercise in moving deeper than personal (contiguous) associations. The inner theme is in the same critique-zone as this one I caught. . . .

            • tumbling night's frozen air

            • church bell verses

            • the mist

            • NOTE

            • "Everything gets nearer the symbolic and universalises, as our observations deepen. We move through personal associations and then into cultural ones - heading for any haiku's heart centre (the nucleus, or bulls-eye; in the middle of the haiku sphere of influence, it's ma nexus). Regarding this haiku singularity, there is much to say that has not been said yet on planet haiku - ever." - TUH

            • [However, this will be outlined in the 'HaikuOW?' series (for tadpoles, to froglings, to old frogs, all alike - perhaps even 'trans-frog', and beyond. We'll see. - jp]

          • Contact: All language is embedded in culture. The words that one uses in a haiku are, as you know, symbols. To deepen into the word Xmas, is not the same (for me) as plumbing the depths of the word Christmas. The first, as a cultural signpost, leads me to the North Pole and to Santa's workshops, filled with elfin workers and reindeer chomping at the bit .. The second takes me to an altogether different ma space, a transcendental realm. But none of this really matters, other than a voice - just one - who is alert to the responses that this particular haiku elicits, enough to share a thought/experience. For some who read it, the choice of word-symbol will make no difference.

            • The images in your tumbling night haiku, on the other hand, are signpost that points in only one direction. It is not difficult be drawn straight to the centre here. All 3 lines feel congruent and the images work in natural and perfect harmony together. Again, just one person's experience ....shared.

          • haiku crossroads

            • There is a cliché, here in rainy England, regarding Xmas tree lights. They always seem to be broken and need at least one more bulb to secure their effect by completing their circuitry.

            • So, we have someone rooting around in the shed, or the attic, or whatever, at night (owl) and, once again, wondering if the Xmas lights will be a hassle.

            • GO TO THE PURE IMAGE FIRST (Without attribution of -at this stage- any embedded meaning.)

            • "What is happening here (and, then: why." (Forget about personal theorising - 'go to the pine'.)

            • That is the starter question. (Then associations cluster - as moths to a flame - do not be bequiled by this. Some of these ideas are spurious and some authentic - although all are worthwhile, in there place)

            • -

            • QUERY

            • What is the sub-theme behind the images contrasted then juxtapositioned, then becoming meaningful, in this haiku?

            • (NOTE

            • There are two haiku to assist with this question's resolution. - see earlier comment.)

            • jp

          • Contact: That Xmas lights and other bling, and bells summonsing us to church for the annual lesson, and (unsaid) tables laden with dead birds and pigs, confound the message of the owl and the mist and the natural order of existence? While all seems frozen, and dead in our material world, within this lies the potential and inevitability of the opposite? The Alpha and the Omega - contained in the heart of little haiku.

          • haiku crossroads ‎'The darkness' and the 'mist' (of unknowing), challenged by the Christian method's teaching aids - these are the basic connotations implicit in each haiku. This is the haiku message's foundation. (a nimbus around the concrete imagery.) Sermons in the wind. (It's all in there, quite distinct from what a reader brings out of their own initial reverb and attic collections.)

          • Contact: I think we stand on common ground ... just different ways of saying it :)

          • haiku crossroads

            • No.

            • First the raw images INANDOFTHEMSELVES are synthesised as one (in the ma, the inner imagination space). Then, the meaning of this FROM THE HAIKU defines a specific experience. Later we can muse and blend our own personal and cultural associations, but not before Beginners do this arse about face and wander in deluded confusion. However, that's ok - we all live and we all learn.

            • KEY IDEA

            • "Essentially, we read a haiku in the same manner as we apprehend and transcribe a haiku. Same process of self-forgetfullness. (This is why we say that doing haiku is doing *meditation-with-an-object*.)" - TUH

            • jp

          • Contact: No what?

          • Contact: Perhaps by using my haiku below, you could make your point in a way that shows how we are not standing on common ground, apparently?

          • /

          • through the heat

          • waves shimmering wall -

          • a cold fish

          • - mmcg

          • Contact: You have all the information you need to get you started in your next haiku chapter. Scroll (up) to this post's beginning and (slowly) digest the intel down the thread. If you're still stuck after doing this several times over the next week or so, bookmark the NEW psychedelic tadpole lessons over at Sound of Water. (Or, switch to limericks). http://bit.ly/limericksfortadpolesmadesimple Good luck and have a merry New Year.

          • jp

          • Contact: Who are you addressing your comments to, John?

          • Comments: To whomever is reading this post and to whom it is relevant.

          • — jp

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