
Bit of a memory for me. I was feet away from a young suicide girl. She jumped on her father's birthday. She was looking at me, and I at her. Then, it was all security and sirens. Off a multistory car park parapet onto concrete. Thud! Days later we got the backstory (by a weird synchronicity), off of her boyfriend.


dull sound

it was very loud

for a dull sound

looking up she was

looking back

we held the moment

just looking

her on the concrete

several stories down

where she jumped


was up

some steps

so our eyes were on the level

the distance of a corridor with glass doors

then people

security and

so on..

later that morning

she died in casualty

according to the grapevine

a few days..


same spot

Parkside Café

Indoor Market

got talking

to this guy

at random

turned out he was her


she left the flat

about 9am as usual

all matter of fact

he said

told me she was going

to give her dad

his birthday


sharing facts

nothing more

is how it is

this town

apparently she was


her eyes often return

just looking

is how it is

this town


last thing she will ever know

is heard by everyone—

on the concrete


several stories down

the flowers rise

in slow-mo

more items →

pic sources map concrete
