Bashō & Nuclear Energy

Japan is virtually synonymous with haiku. In its turn haiku is synonymous with Matsuo Bashō. That haijin (haiku poet) of all haijin (haiku poets) elevated this briefest of poetry forms from the escapist material decadence of 17th century Edo (Tokyo) and its "Floating World" (Ukiyo), to a sublime mystic and cultural art. Ukiyo enabled the people to forget their worldly sorrows in synthetic gardens of material delight. In other words, find solace in the endlessly repeating quick fix of consumerism for its own sake. Matsuo saw through this and did something about it.Bashō's ideal (especially so in his wise maturity) was to tread lightly (karumi) in this earthly world. He respected the natural ecology and beauty of simple things and the extraordinariness of the ordinary. He was little interested in gluttony of any kind and certainly avoided materialism's subliminal mantra: 'More is beautiful'.Key to the great man's mind-set is his advice to all haiku students:"Go to the pine if you want to learn about the pine, or the bamboo if you want to learn about the bamboo. And in doing so, you must leave your subjective preoccupation with yourself. Your poetry issues of its own accord when you and the object have become one – when you have plunged deep enough into the object to see something like a hidden glimmering there. However well-phrased your poetry may be, if the object and yourself are separate – then your poetry is not true poetry but a semblance of the real thing." - Matsuo Bashō

In other words, we empathise with our environment and respond accordingly and in democratic kind. How ironic, is it not, that this heavenly mandated major Nippon export -- up there on the high plateau with the global giants of all time -- has no voice in the covert chambers of international commerce; where the worship of Mammon -- that obese deity of blind greed -- presides over the elite assemblies of neo-feudal privilege.

old pond

a frog jumps in

the sound of water

Bashō's most famous haiku and the most famous haiku in the world -- it begs the question:

What ripples do we send down the years when we initiate any action?

Apply that question to nuclear energy in the light of Fukushima . . .

complacency rant

a Fukushima cow

in Japan Times, its ribs

as water


There's still a potential for x80 Chernobyls at Fukushima. This would be devastating to the entire world; in fact it would be the end of life as we know it. Check some of the data and be surprised and a little dismayed that the Nippon government are allowing the firing up of two reactors to save money this summer; that's after all 54 had been closed down indefinitely. Then we have the ageing nuclear reactors elsewhere on the planet to consider (439 at last count). Incidentally, the Chernobyl aftermath is still poisoning the Northern Hemisphere as we speak -- the mainline media don't mention this. I mean, how sensible was it building 54 reactors in an earthquake zone subject to regular significant earth movements and oceanic disturbances in the first place? It really is worth catching up on some intel regarding this apocalypse in waiting . . .

(Please share this link)


Why I Don't Buy Japan's Nuclear Restart

"We have a problem distinguishing between wants and needs. Needs are food, clothing and shelter. Wants are

iPods, Lady Gaga and nuclear energy. Honestly, we could all do with a good scolding from Mother Nature."

- Amy Chavez, Columnist, The Japan Times / Huffington Post -- Learn more

(Our comment on the previous item -- click image to enlarge.)

* actual comment

. . .





Applying the atom peacefully since 1978

Nuclear energy can be operated safely. We have to get past our fear of radiation of all sorts. Japan isnt at a major health risk and this coming off the heels of 3 meltdowns.

geodesic eye

Blind faith will not see us through. There's still a potential for x80 Chernobyls at Fukushima. This would be devastating to the entire world; in fact it would be the end of life as we know it. Check some of the data on my link and be surprised and a little dismayed that the Nippon government are allowing the firing up of two reactors to save money this summer; that's after all 54 had been closed down indefinitely. Then we have the ageing nuclear reactors elsewhere on the planet to consider (439 at last count). Incidentally, the Chernobyl aftermath is still poisoning the Northern Hemisphere as we speak -- the mainline media don't mention this. I mean, how sensible was it building 54 reactors in an earthquake zone subject to regular significant earth movements and oceanic disturbances in the first place? It really is worth catching up on some intel regarding this apocalypse in waiting.




Applying the atom peacefully since 1978

Blind faith will not see us through. Training and education and dedication of a seasoned workforce will see us through. There is absolutely no potential for x80 Chernobyls at Fukushima and to claim it means you dont understand the difference between the twl reactor designs. One, an LWR, the other an RBMK with a positive void coefficient. I think 2 reactors firing up is proper and the right thing to do. Every country cant mandate that other countries shut their reactors down. There is no "poisoning of the northern hemisphere". Poisoning isnt the "one drop or one atom rule". Poisoning is a Bhopal like incident where people would die almost on the spot. The long term consequences of very low low radiaiton is just not there. Science has spoken. You cant argue closing the barn door after the horse is out of the barn. The plants were built for the design basis. The beyond design basis event is an outlier.

It not an apocalypse in waiting. Life will go on. After 911 people thought that event would change our lives forever. Yes it did, now we get to have strangers looking at our junk as we go through the airport. Nice.

geodesic eye

A lot of words without much substance, Atoms4Peace1. All I can say to you in reply is advise that you wake up to the information I have linked on this thread. Actually read it all carefully and then contemplate the appalling news with a clear mind and without interference by wishful thinking. Do this over a period of days, or more. Knee-jerk reactions are grossly inappropriate given the seriousness of our subject. As for 9/11, this is another issue entirely and has no relationship whatever with the atomic reactor problems under discussion. Show us all some reliable data to support your guesswork. Opinion based on selective hearsay and unsupported gossip is simply not good enough.




Applying the atom peacefully since 1978

The substance is seen every day, you use electricity, reliable electricity provided by nuclear. The world isnt ready to give it up why? Because reasonable people know nuclear is improving, as is any technology, and is here to stay. I dont look at antinuclear links. Very biased, non factual, filled with emotion and invective towards people like me, those dedicated to making sure the technology moves man forward. Post 9/11 is an analogy for the aftermath of any "humanity altering event'. Its not guess work. My data is in publications not found on the internet - unless you have a subscription for technical papers. I have terrabytes of technical information. is a good place to start, but only scratches the surface.

Its up to you to do your due dilligence, and not just blindly link from internet koolaid sites that are not very reputable and obviously antinuclear.

geodesic eye

I will let the readers judge your words, Atoms4Peace1.

weasel words


main item (and it came to pass)

connected item (nuclear summer)

NOTE: For many years I worked as a craft potter, having been schooled in the aesthetics of the potter Shoji Hamada and his friend Bernard leech. These two talented people had exported a renaissance of craft ceramics and Japanese aesthetics to the world during the early part of the last century. Shoji was honoured with the title of 'Living Art Treasure' during his lifetime. Bernard was a gifted and inspirational teacher and craftsman. This experience, which lasted for 20 years in a professional capacity, confirmed the hoax of materialism and the priceless value of simplicity in all things. It reinforced the instinct, which we all share, that life is a miracle and deserves to be respected as such.

jp 17-06-12

more items

This musing is a living document and as such will develop - so, be sure to return regularly to this page, if you like. Not just to note any changes, but also to review the material in the light of your own understanding.




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