May 2

caterhookah 17

on a twig,

loading the ancient vibe—

dawn's caterpillar


on a twig,

loading the ancient vibe—

dawn's caterpillar

on a gooseberry,

loading the ancient vibe—

dawn's butterfly


on a _______ ,

loading the ancient vibe—

dawn's _______

OR L3 =

[ _______ sunrise ]

on a gooseberry,

loading the ancient vibe—

caterpillar sunrise

on a gooseberry,

loading the ancient vibe—

butterfly sunrise

Infinite substitution is a phenomena whereby endless variations on a theme may be expressed using the basic template. More a literary amusement than a proper haiku tool. Fun though and productive of interesting 'inner haiku'. An inner haiku is a haiku 'inside' the original. All we do is abstract a new haiku from the original haiku's connotations.

We can formulate it as described, or meditate on the original to be inspired with more of 'em. The latter using our proper haiku vision techniques, or simple being one with the pine, as Basho would chide. Something to do on a rainy day in the haiku library/studio. What we call literary haiku, a haiku axis, being that the haiku engine (the machinery of haiku under the haiku bonnet, so to say). Literary haiku is haiku which is written either from memories, dreams and reflections [Jung], to which we add forward plannings [Potts], or manufactured from flotsam and jetsam, like what Doctor Frankenstein did to create artificial life out of bits n pieces plundered from foggy graveyards at night, or cudgelled on the pedestrian hoof by ruffians with red glittering eyes and few if any scruples. The latter being the low octave of the wealthy global elite's complete lack of moral compunction.

artist's impression of a haiku engine (not to scale)

NOTE: This is probably better done as a separate item and expanded then

evolved as a living document ( unlike the good doctor's use of bits n bobs ) .


rest easy seeds. . . .

next door's loud ideology

scares the crows

Game Over for the Climate

If Canada exploits the oil in its tar sands, civilization will be at risk.

oven cleaning day,

from the tar sands of Canada

to next door's tractor


friday, friday,

the caterpillar's fugue


An interesting concept. . . .

Fugue: Noun

1 fugue - dissociative disorder in which a person forgets who they are and leaves home to creates a new life; during the

fugue there is no memory of former life; after recovering there is no memory for events during the dissociative state

2 fugue - a dreamlike state of altered consciousness that may last for hours or days

3 fugue - a musical form consisting of a theme repeated a fifth above or a fourth below its first statement


how many pairs of shoes

is enough cousin


The Incredibles were musical butterflies who influenced all the legends of contemporary music (Led Zeppelin templated their career on them, the Stones got into sitar and the Beatles did Sargent Pepper, for example). They got rained off their appropriate spot (quiet evening music) at the legendary Woodstock Festival (1969) and were slotted into a heavy metal blast the next day. As a result they were not featured at their best and failed to make the movie which catapulted many to superstardom. They deserved better luck. Such is the mystery of karma in action, peeps, right? Check out some of their songs on YouTube and be totally impressed by these youthful genius multi-instrumentalist songwriters -- yer ultimate hippies. World music before it happened for Peter the G over at Real World Studios (near where we live).

Sooth, a gratuitous and unabashed poem, partially filched from Geoff Chaucer. A door into another world where Arthurian landscapes meld

with Celtic faeryland and Tír na nÓg of the everlasting childhood innocence and youthful romance suffers rude reality as a . . . . . . . . . . . . .

butterfly's dream.


It all depends on how we regard baby animals.Are they cute little robots?

Or, are they people too? So many times see animals treated as projections

of our own vanity. To regard any living thing as a toy is a crime against

life itself. Look at the world we live in today and tell me I am in error.

Even friends are enemies. We've all forgotten how to be human. Maybe too

much dead milk and not enough sunshine and rain on our faces. This is why

we recommend haiku. The outdoors variety.

down Tadpole Lane,

or maybe Lover's Lane—

old bull, young cows

Obviously (?) a honkadori a-foot (clik pic)


"As for karma. Dead words of some fools logic are wasted on me. Who needs that when all there is to be done is done in the instants. For example, one regardeth a question and in the silence the words are without end. Supported with graphs and pie-charts. Useful as mandalas but otherwise just mystic art and literature. That is to say existential drivel. And therefore a pastime at best. There's no end to all that. I'd rather dig Brian Setzer doing immaculate jump blues and swing. That's living all right. lol" - The Unknown Cynic

clearing the mower,

what's up down there?

socialize, socialize, socialize, socialize, socialize...

aged 3, 1929

The Central Weekend to celebrate The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee

takes place from Saturday 2 June to Tuesday 5 June 2012




"Old pond — frogs jumped in — sound of water."

Matsuo Kinsaku

How did Basho's frog song leap into the charts from old Japan right out of the box across the

Nippon nation and then, after a few hundred years, conquer whole wide world? Apparently

that virtual living god and ultimate Japanophile, Lafcadio Hearn. He was the culprit. It took

off like a bullet from a gun but not as we know it:

'Old pond — frogs jumped in — sound of water.'

(Translation: Lafcadio Hearn)

Usually. . . .

old pond

a frog jumps in

the sound of water


old pond

a frog jumps in+

water's sound

(which is comfortably tercet --3 liner-- for ELH --English Language haiku-- eyes)

Bit past tensed & linear (as it was written originally by the Matsuo) However, according to

that needle in haystack minutae purveyer of all things haiku,Hasegawa Kai --who we think

is the bees knees-- this was about the shape of it. A plurality of frogs!





a songbird

on the farmer's post



sky TV

a nesting crow

dots out

TELEVISION "The etymology of the word has a mixed Latin and Greek

origin, meaning "far sight": Greek tele (τῆλε), far, and Latin visio, sight

(from video, vis- to see, or to view in the first person)." - Wikipedia

puddle TV

a début of mayflies

with cow

But what's actually going on in that shot? Obviously a male and female

in the act of procreation. The female seems to be dining on an offering

from the male.Was this the rival? If so,it beats dancehall fighting hands


It is likely that this offering of food pacifies the predatory female insect. I find this creature's economy virtually sublime. Male kills rival. Rival's corpse provides distraction to female. Champion of love's ritual completes the circuit. New warriors for next year's genetic Olympics. Survival of the fittest. Secure the gene pool. A mythic gem jumps out and grapples with the reader in archetypal DNA symbols.


bending closer. . . .

into a vast primordial summer—

full of tiny contraptions


In a living universe everything is imbued with and is a vehicle for life's spirit (or spirit's life). Here we have a section of stone floor that appears to have a face. Is the face alive somehow? Does the face reflect an inner unconscious entity? If we meditate on this face will we be able to chat with an invisible aspect of ourselves? Does this entity have an independent existence? If so, what does it get up to when it's not at home? Or is it alien? Some preternatural being that haunts the inner primordial vastnesses behind habitual appearance.


new Milk Moon

a cat at the other side

wants in


Cannery Row—

following a summer breeze

into literature

"The narrative interrupts itself once again to sketch another little picture. This one describes an elderly "Chinaman" who walks through Cannery Row every day at dusk and again at dawn on his way to and from harvesting marine animals below the piers. His sandals make a slapping noise as he walks; this sound alerts the locals to his passing. The Chinaman is inscrutable and a little scary; no one has ever spoken to him except one little boy, who once sang a song full of racial slurs at the old man. The old man stopped and fixed him with a stare and the boy nearly lost consciousness. Since then, no one has bothered the Chinaman." - Spark Note

Also see . . . . The Old Chinaman Of Cannery Row


Appropriate formal presentation is fine. The motto of modern design is: FORM FOLLOWS FUNCTION. It's true. A teapot that doesn't pour is useless - even if it looks pretty. The primary formal injunction of a haiku is to SHOW the original 'ah ha' moment's inspiration. Not talk about it. The original vision will inform, if it has anything to say. This is a way of seeing not readily understood in the prosaic West. This is why true haiku is a guru.


under the stone,

their busy summer metropolis

spoiled by tourism


On The Beach—

following a summer breeze

into literature

and it came to pass - geodesic_eye

The Medical Implications of Fukushima, Chernobyl and the Nuclear Age



down an English lane

the dog of summer

"The Romans referred to the dog days as dies caniculares and associated

the hot weather with the star Sirius. They considered Sirius to be the "Dog

Star" because is the brightest star in the constellation Canis Major,, (Large

Dog). Sirius is also the brightest star in the night sky. The term, "Dog Days"

was used earlier by the Greeks." - Wikipedia


summer online

the streets are empty

of consumers


"I prefer something like cave-like-unintentional space. something

that is in between nature and artifact - formless form."

- Sou Fujimoto (interview with architect)

stone pillow. . .

its high-rise flowers

strange aircraft land

Way beyond cool. . .


"Opinions expressed in these haiku/senryu are those

of nature,and do not necessarily reflect in any way

those of this author." - this author

remains of the day—

an aerial circus of house martins

bring on the clowns


"It's like watching TV and then realising you were in dream looking

at a box, in a box." - The Haiku Shaman

a bee,

in the car's tailwind,

hitches to red lights -

another watches

from rear

whizzing. . . . . . . . . . . .

hither and thither more

baby dinosaurs!

Help Protect Our Garden Birds



"Don't get snared in Astral sub-planes.In fact, try

to avoid even heavenly worlds. Learn to cherish the

void; is the perennial word." - The Haiku Shaman

Moon of Flowers -

where summer stars

pierce the earth


( haiga: haiku plus image )

Haiga (visual haiku) 26

"It's like watching a movie and then realising you were in a dream.

Then that again - as many times as is feasible. That is magical

awareness." — The Haiku Shaman

inside this sunlit tree

an invisible bird

sings the apex


summer online

the beach is empty

of consumers


"We all need to face up to our own mortality is my estimation. By

doing so, at least to some extent, you will benefit from the fresh

air and exercise. Therefore we say, eschew mirror fixations. It's

really not such a big deal. At the time." - The Haiku Shaman

ah ha, Mr Peacock -

beware young chicks of Juno,

his carnal footprint

Juno (mythology)

"Junois an ancient Roman goddess, the protectorand special

counsellor of state. She is daughter of Saturn and sister (but

also wife) of the chief god Jupiter and mother of Mars and

Vulcan. Juno also looked after women of Rome." -Wikipedia


Does this haiku 'speak to you'? Then maybe it is

time for you to say, "I need to get a life." Or

maybe you are too busy to listen?

standing and staring -

the lesson of the buttercup


Someone once explained to me that cow's breath smells like

strawberries. Maybe so. They probably enjoy Wimbleton also.


11/06/2012: Wild card play-offs . . .

wild card play-off?

a butterfly comes over

then goes back


*** Global Haiku E-mail News Service ***

____________ Sunday, May 27, 2012 ____________

Dateline: Planet Earth, Everywhere, May 27, 2012 —

Surprise Day, 2012: "This day can be any of the 365, or, as is the case this year,

366. No further information can be given as this would spoil the surpise." -anon

"Expecting nothing,

live frugally on surprise."

- Alice Walker (wise)

Haiga (visual haiku) 27

their name,

those little blue flowers?

I forget


"So sad how some people really have an addiction and

are putting their lives aside just to sit and share

meaningless garbage. Learn to let it go and go out

in life instead of gluing yourself to your monitor."

- CCTV Spokesperson

my neighbour

uses the back door too -

porch swallows!


The porch swallows have 4 eggs (!) now and their vigilance is acute. I was discussing the escalating (current estimation : DEFCON 2) situation with a neighbour and we both agreed that having porch swallows is a challenge. However, the upside is that only the righteous have this privilege. The reason for this is that swallows are very fussy regarding whose turf they acquisition.


part of a wall

of rubble stone then -

cabbage white

The Book Of Nature Myths

by Florence Holbrook

The Great Spirit thought, "By and by I will make men, but first I will

make a home for them. It shall be very bright and beautiful. There

shall be mountains and prairies and forests,and about it all shall

be the blue waters of the sea..."

This wonderful ebook of nature myths is nicely illustrated and has a quaint aura of yesteryear. The sort of a book we might find in the attic when exploring as children. Perhaps illuminated by a dusty shaft of sunlight on a too-hot summer's day. I thought to let the short stories for children trigger memories which might represent the moral of the tale, in this case the links item. FULL INDEX How would we classify this type of haikuing? Here's an article which explains our own take on this. By the way, why not get a FREE PC Kindle from Amazon? ---> Related item: stoned butterflies



On a wing and a prayer: The extraordinary

hanging monasteries that cling to the sides

of cliffs These stunning buildings appear to defy

gravity as they perch precariously on the side of

rocks and mountains around the world to ensure

the utmost privacy during prayers.

wild blue yonder—

a buzzard family gyre

under my pencil




in a swirl of mist

steps from a Japanese print

the western haiku

Your haiku: the good, the bad and the ugly of Japan

"The following are the winners of the haiku competition launched to mark

the Community section's 10th anniversary."The Japan Times

To be perfectly honest, I simply couldn't bear more than a quick skim's worth from the long list there.

Most these offerings are simply (unevocative) statements snipped x3 and stack-ed up all verti·cal·ly.

Simply statements, snip

ped in 3 and stack-ed up

all vert-i·cal·ly.




"In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave,

and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him,

for then it costs nothing to be a patriot." - Mark Twain

an ice cream van

hangs around in the rain

for nobody

Now that was a guitar lesson! Listen to Van do it in context . . .


"I like to think that time is relative; being that

personal time is a thread-as it were-in eternity's

magic carpet. Some say all creatures are immortal

extensions of a universal awareness which is never

dimmed. So it would seem." - The Haiku Shaman

in the fridge light

a summer silverfish pauses

on kitchen foil

Silverfish (they like eating books)

"The reproduction of silverfish is preceded by a ritual involving three phases, which may last over half an hour. In the first phase, the male and female stand face to face, their trembling antennae touching, then repeatedly back off and return to this position. In the second phase the male runs away and the female chases him. In the third phase the male and female stand side by side and head-to-tail, with the male vibrating his tail against the female." - Wikipedia



Excellent (✓) not bad ( ) could do better ( )

don’t call us, we’ll call you ( )


"Facebook is like jail. You sit around a lot and

waste time, write on walls and get poked by people

you don’t know." - anon

summer online -

harvest a moonlit face

for Halloween


"ahh good to see the brain washed masses are out in

full force today. thankfully ive the peace of mind

of knowing your not the majority the media would

have us believe" - party popper

eye trails

swallow trails


The Tutu Project

"The mission of Tutu Project is to raise funds to cover the cost of self-publishing Ballerina. It’s also the story of doing good while

doing well; Ballerina is a book all about a man, his pink tutu and raising funds for women with breast cancer."


puzzled cows -

is that Mr Farmer in a tutu,

or a meadow flower?


The images on this post's link are great SITUATION ART and the cause is a good one. Well done that man! It's all the rage this. Recently a UK schoolboy went to school in a dress to protest not being allowed to wear shorts in the hot weather (he won). Another was this guy who was kicked out of court for 'inappropriate dress' (shorts and a vest - hot weather). He whipped off to a nearby charity shop and came back dressed in a dress. The case then continued. lol What an entertaining period of history to be alive in, eh peeps, innit?


"If you want to be somewhere else all the time you

will never be anywhere." — The Haiku Shaman

zazen. . . . . .

the fly escapes-

zazen in motion

The simple equation is : ZAZEN + MOTION = GINKO (haiku walking).

We will continue to feature this important active element of core haiku

technique in lesson three of our ongoing HaikuOW introductory series;

designed and expressed in plain language for all students (tadpoles

and frogs alike).

NOTE : Zazen alludes to 'stillness of contemplation'. This quiescence

of the ensnared mind disentangles soul from its local 'local habitation

and name' (incarnatory matrix). However, we use the 'in motion' to mean

'ginko' (haiku walking) in particular. Seated meditation (zezan proper) is

associated with LITERARY HAIKU in our teachings, in contrast to wild

haiku hunting from direct experience, usually (but not always) outdoors.

The poet's eye, in a frenzy rolling,

Doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven;

And as imagination bodies forth

The forms of things unknown, the poet's pen

Turns them into shapes, and gives to airy nothing

A local habitation and a name.

— William Shakespeare / A Midsummer Night's Dream, Act 5, Scene 1


"Basho would probably have harnessed the modern media

as he did the media of his Edo era. Particularly the

younger Basho. It was, after all, the guy's livelihood.

The older Basho though would maybe have slackened off

a bit; possibly some posts now and again from his iPad

while out and about on those increasingly longer ginko

treks of his -far away from the maddening crowd." — jp


parsing the wind. . .

just like their tutor-

in little red suits

FOX FACT: Baby foxes are brown like teddy

bears to start off with.Then the soft fur turns

red as they get growed up a bit.

Thank You!

Thanks for reading this month's haiku diary, and thanks for being a regular visitor to geodesic_eye!

Be sure to check our sister site: sound of water and our daily updated Facebook page (see below).

REVIEW : May 1

ON TO : June




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© copyrights 2007 - 2012 john potts, all rights reserved on this site. all material published remains exclusive copyright of john potts or their designated originators. no contents, including text, photographs, videos, etc. may be reproduced in whole or in part without the written consent of john potts or their designated originators. in addition, no material or contents may be reproduced on the world wide web by techniques of mirroring, framing, posting, etc. without the written consent of john potts or their designated originators. having said that, samples of text only, not to exceed one short paragraph in whole or quoted aggregate, may be used in appropriate context and linked to the main article on this site with author's name acknowledged. be sure to inform us of any sampling including a link to your item.

all my images are copyright © 2007 - 2012 john potts. all the materials contained may not be reproduced, copied, edited, published, transmitted or downloaded in any way, shape or form. all rights are reserved. copying, altering, displaying or redistribution of any of these images without written permission from the artist is strictly prohibited.
