

This page about jus. I know, that my English is Very bad, but I hope that imformation will be understanderbillitheriti, or ... Vocabule playgames. The Motherland english Lingveech are British IsElands. The People, Who live on thiese (rabbit in English - this is play word, you can see in Sovietic animation films - "Ну Погоди!" thirteen's serie, When Wolf give one question to Japanese? Rabbit, on Moscow's Olimpiс games [sportsmen of USA was not came] in nineteen - eighty) ContiLands, has Very Stronge lingVeech. But They has Chield?, or any children?, I don't no exactly, and think ... - Dautghers - Australian's and New Zeland's People. Suns or Pan a Son (if you put Isus Cristo in end - you'll read PanASonIC - this is very Good Japonic Name of technics), - lives on North American continent - in USA and any part in Canada Country (another part is French Peaple). These children are not stronge talking. Now They (British People) has any Chialds (illegal - S after child - not going? but if stay A after I - you can put andS after D) on the Countinent Africa (Nigeria, RsA and other). Very many children, who speek English, are living in country of South and Est-South Asia. On West-South Asia now is working GrandSon - who has Father in the YooaSaY and grandMother (at the Mother's line ) in the Book, very old and Black.

World and Words - Town end Tone - Jus end Flowers - Ju [dza:] end Intellect - Jazz begin Tone - Just end One - Ju [d3a:] begin Stone [brown] - Jus trink One - Just drink All - Justus to Aveli - Avel to One - StOne do StFall - EnotSuj {if suj is put} between sandl, because will be GreenLand/with Ise white and greenoff or Greise - Winter's Lady.

If you go into link Ju , you'll see some videoClip about Tree (oak) and acorns (not popcorn) on the it (I don't know Person, who put this clip on youTube, but their nikcname I heared many years ago [fifteen - twenty]). The music Band has name - "The Вйо", and if translate this sentense on English, so, we have some command - Let Us Go - for Horse, or many (three, four, fife [if one dead or birth in road], six, {not sex} - two are not much - may be seven, nine, but maximum eight and ten, but, if you want, you can run with eleven and twelve) horses, before some Time, when they must does it/go.