
“I wandered lonely as a cloud” is what the poet said

Just one line of that rotten poem bouncing round my head.

I hummed a song to shake it loose but it just wouldn’t go.

How can I get rid of it? – Someone surely has to know!

They told me I should take a walk to change the way I thought

But stony ground and fashion shoes just made my feet real sore.

I then tried talking to myself, but folk thought I was mad –

A handy thing if you’re my friend – and really not so bad.

‘I wandered lonely as a cloud’ is how the poem goes

So I wandered down the track just following my nose.

Where my feet would finally take me was anybody’s guess.

My direction bone had failed me – go north south east or west?

The little voices in my head wouldn’t tell which way to go

They just talked among themselves – about what I wouldn’t know.

They seemed to have their own ideas and wouldn’t share with me

So I just ambled down the track to see what I could see.

My own small world was where I was, with voices, friends and such

My feet just wandered all around where it didn’t matter much.

I listened quite intently as voices argued in my head

They could not agree on anything, so I watched my feet instead.

At pathway’s end I had to choose which way to send my feet

But feet then had their own ideas. They marched to a different beat!

They’d had enough of this walking thing so called a lightning strike

My voices also got the sulks and all became quite quiet.

So now I had nowhere to go at the crossroads of my walk

My feet refused to take me and my voices wouldn’t talk.

So I made my own decision and turned my head for home

And fast tracked to the library for the rest of that rotten poem.