Grass trees at Coolah Tops.

Why are you

Ancient relics of Gwandana

With your halo of grassy leaves

And flowery spears attacking the sky

So mysterious and primeval?

Why are you

Quiet and sinister freaks of nature

Bent and twisted, stiff and wooden

Persistent in your longevity

So mysterious and resolute?

Why are you

Alien giants of comedy

Looking out, hiding behind

Those sprouted tufts

So mysterious and mischievous?

Why are you

Nature’s trick of eccentricity

Weathering storms and fires

Harbouring screeching yet silent creatures

So mysterious and whimsical?

Why are you

With primitive moss and lichen clinging

To resin laden trunks

Cocooned in dead leaves

So mysterious and frivolous?

Why are you

So mysterious and aloof Xanthorrhoea?