Write a Poem, said Carmel

I’m tasked to writing poetry

By our Madame Lash in Chair.

I don’t know what I’ll write….

I’m fair fumbling in despair.

To say this is unfamiliar ground

Is understatement in extreme.

I don’t know what the hell I’m doing

Is it nightmare or a dream.

In other forms of writing

I can push a pen or pound a key.

With a dash of humour and you as subjects

Last minute efforts are oft’ set free.

As I ponder what to write…..

To scratch my head would give me splinters.

I thrash around to catch a theme

This may take many months and maybe even winters.

The sweat pours off my brow…..

I know it’s hot and humid and rain is in the offing.

I’m wondering when I’m finally done

Will these efforts have the whole mob scoffing.

Cheers and Blessings, Carmel says as she signs off on the web

That’s all right for her who loves poetry and rhyme.

Take pity on this poor sod

Who labours with his writing and tries to get his efforts in on time.

I wonder what the other blokes and gals are doing

And what their subjects might be.

They’re bound to be diverse and brilliant

Not stuck with wondering what they’ll write about, like me.

Short and sweet, get to the point….

Stop messing about…. Get on with it…. pick a topic.

And let’s see where this might take us

I’ll write about not knowing what I’ll to write about – don’t call me myopic!

You think you can beat me down with poetry

Well have another go.

Hanrahan said “we’ll all be ‘rooned” from the depth of his despair

Well I’ll bounce right back, brush the hair from my eyes, and smile….you just never know!