The Corridors of my Mind

As I wander down the corridors of my mind I am confronted by the randomness and chaos that I see when the mind is in ‘neutral’ and not focused on one particular thought. It’s like a bee flitting from flower to flower, not stopping long at any one before moving on. Hopefully, as with the bee, there is pollination going on and that something will grow to be an idea or action worthwhile.

It is said that if ‘man’ can imagine something, then nothing is impossible – for sooner or later if that idea or imagining has been shared and others also mull over that idea then someone will eventually find a way to bring it to reality in the fullness of time. Examples of this are all around us with the bounding leaps in technology which sometimes leaves many of us twisting and turning in the backwash of the winds of change we haven’t been able to keep up with as it sped past us.

Feebly, we endeavour to come to grips with these changes at our own slower pace and bring ourselves somewhat up-to-date; at the same time realising we’ll never completely understand even a fraction of the new ideas – and what the hell! Unless it’s important to our survival then it doesn’t really matter.

No one likes getting ‘old’, with the body and/or the mind falling apart – we fight it tenaciously not willing to give in. We realise that inevitably we’ll lose the battle but don’t dwell on the prospect and trust that there is something more and maybe better after this life when we move on.

The mind twists again to other thoughts – the mundane usually – things going on around us that need to be done to keep ‘our world’ in order – in the way we like it and where we feel comfortable. We may not be able to control the larger world around us but at least we can to some more or lesser degree control ‘our world’ depending on how many other people exert influence on ‘our world’ and how much influence we have on them.

It really boils down to just me and the choices I make for myself as to how my day will be…. I can choose to be happy or sad, good or bad, busy or slack, the choices are endless and I have to keep making them…. no choice about that!

My fingers are ‘walking’ across the keyboard making keystrokes on the screen…..are they making sense or not? Who knows – after all, this is just the wandering of the mind in that corridor of randomness and chaos.