You're Scaring Me

“You’re scaring me” I yell. ”You really freak me out!”

I am screaming and running down a road. I feel so frightened. I am so grossed out. There is a horde of disgusting, vile, slime balls after me. Leeches. They scare me. I hate them. They are huge. Not your normal size. Huge. Monstrous. Great tubular worms. Slime green. Great red evil mouths. Frothing and oozing slobber and spittle. Genetically modified. They are after me. Foul breath mouths opening wide. Waving and wobbling from side to side. Catching the scent of my blood. Trying to latch onto me. I am panicking. I am shrieking at these loathsome creatures, “Go away. Why aren’t you listening to me”? They are on a mission. These loathsome creatures want to eat me. “Leave me alone”, I cry.

Leeches are smart. Really smart. They attack and eat people. I am so scared. I am screaming like never before. Deafening. So loud that everyone can hear me. But can they? Nobody is coming to my rescue. The houses on either side look deserted. I am alone to face the seething, squirming mass. They are beginning to hiss and hoot. “Curse these heinous creatures’. The sounds are getting to me. They are really messing with my head now.

I am madly running. Please, please. I don’t want to stumble. I have to get to the end of the street. Away from these detestable creatures. I can outsmart them at the t-junction. I made it. I look to the left. Utter dejection.. A gruesome mass of leeches sliding and skidding towards me. I glance to the right. Horror of horrors. More repugnant creatures slithering towards me. I am afraid to look back. I am surrounded. A menacing hell of leering, chilling interlopers!

Where is my Kindling, Notching, Incisive, Fantastic, Excalibur when I need it? My K.N.I.F.E. I could face them and slash their hearts out. Mum made me put the K.N.I.F.E. away today. Of all days! “Mum, I need the K.N.I.F.E. now! Desperately!” Wait, all is not lost. I pull out my Rotary, Oscillating, Phenomenal Entity. My R.O.P.E. I throw it to the nearest branch of a tree. . I climb up the R.O.P.E. to safety. Sitting on a branch, I eyeball the depraved monsters. Facing them, I pull a horrible face. I jeer at them. La, la, de la, la.

To my horror and dismay, these foul breathed monsters start climbing. I have to get away. These repugnant, squirting slime balls are after me. Ogling me. Grinding and gnashing their big fat ugly lips. I have to make it home. I have to find my gun. My special gun. I swing from tree to tree using R.O.P.E.

I am home. I slam the door. I rummage through the cupboard. Looking and searching. I hear the leeches trying to squeeze under the door. I hear them oozing froth from their gigantic mouths What will Mum say? She will be so angry with me. Bringing home a frenzied rabble of leeches to dirty her linoleum. I grab my Spiralling, Alternating, Laminating Tease gun. My S.A.L.T. gun. I open the door and start firing. Spraying crystals everywhere. Attacking and bombarding the nauseating blood suckers. Exploding crystals propel towards them as they try to retreat. They try to hide. They try to regroup. They do not stand a chance. They stumble and slide over one another. Their sinister gruesome days are over. Vanquished. Demolished. Dead.