In the Autumn my Nyssa’s leaves turn colour and begin to fall

In shades of gold and brown in ones and twos they drop,

Increasing daily in their number

Messy at first becomes a whole carpet of mottled shades and patterns

Clean up, clean up, that’s the action plan for the next three weeks

Clearing the roof and gutters then raking and gathering up the leaves

The dog frolics in the heaps, scattering my work

Causing me angst with the need to rake them up again

I chase away the dog who enjoys the ‘game’.

Winter arrives with the tree now bare

Allowing the sun to shine through and warm the house

In Spring the tree awakes and buds slowly appear and the world takes on a fresh look of green

Daily adding more new growth and filling out the canopy

Rebirth in nature’s way

Summer comes all too quickly bringing the hot days which we can enjoy in moderation

The Nyssa’s leaves now protect us like an umbrella, shading the courtyard

and cooling the house