I am a Mouse with a Dream

I am a mouse with a dream. I dream a dream; a dream of peace, of harmony where no mousetraps exists. I want a tranquil cheesy sort of life. Mousetraps, I hate them. I want to annihilate the mousetrap from Earth. My life is forever fraught with danger, anxiety and frustration. I want an end to the mousetrap.

My dream is to solve my problem with the mousetrap and the cheese. The problem of the nasty, evil humans with whom I’m living and the setting of the treacherous mousetraps. In my dream I have a plan. I’ll study quantum mechanics at the Mouse Institute for Mousetrap Destruction. I’ll spend three whole weeks researching, testing, innovating and pursuing my vision relentlessly. I’ll exterminate the mousetrap completely. I will be Muriel, the smart and skilful mouse.

I will build a sophisticated prototype crane from which I will be suspended. The crane will navigate me directly over the mousetrap and by flicking a switch I will move fluidly towards the super villain, the mousetrap. The crane will be propelled by anti-gravity internal combustion. My electrical cable harness is retrofitted with kinetic vision which allows for vertical take off and landing. I will wear a synthetic molecular suit equipped with silicone flexible actuators which retract and expand by autonomous propulsion. I will have electronic implants fitted with magnetic impulses to guide my mobility and balance towards the mousetrap.

I will manoeuvre towards the mousetrap by high frequency radio signals beamed towards telerobot circuit boards. My flexible actuators are fitted with a one touch stylus with a retractable point. These are capable of immobilizing the mousetrap with one zap by an invisible stimulator vapour. When I fire the one touch stylus, supersonic transmission waves will be released to detonate the deadly spring of the trap. Chaos and carnage will result.

My next action machine is a correctional suction transmitter. One hydraulic press of the gears and bingo, I will have possession of the cheese. High frequency radio signals will be released to the mice of the world to tell them of my scientific and artistic genius. Now, am I dreaming and blurring the lines between mouse and machine?

I dream a dream as my mind and senses are stimulated with thoughts of relaxing with my fellow mice friends. I dream a dream of sipping a glass of chilled 2008 Miceli Pinot Grigio while nibbling on a cheese platter with maybe some pate, mustard fruits and marinated olives on the side.