Control Raspberry Pi using Amazon Echo

It is convenient to control a Raspberry Pi through Amazon Alexa or Echo. Examples of control are:

    • Alexa, <device> <command>

    • Alexa, security on

    • Alexa, security off

    • Alexa, kodi reboot

    • Alexa kodi shutdown


Raspberry Pi 3B+ or later running latest version of raspbian

Arrrgh! Does not work on Raspberry PI OS Lite or Raspberry Pi OS. Alexa doesn't discover device. I tried with and without WeMo skill linked to Alexa.

Step 2. Install needed packages and modules

Install pip

$ sudo apt install python-pip -y

The following command allows requests to be found by systemd

$ sudo -H pip install requests

Step 3. Enable writing to the log file

$ touch rpi-echo.log

$ sudo chmod og+w rpi-echo.log

Step 4. Edit to do what you want is stored in /usr/local/bin

I have the script setup to turn security on and off, but you can have it do anything that is scriptable

Edit the code as described in

An echo command requires, Alexa, turn <device> <command>