github tutorial

I use github to save my source code repositories making it easier to download and install projects.


git is version control software for code, and it comes pre-installed on Raspberry Pi's running raspbian.

git has a local repository on a laptop or Raspberry PI and a cloud repository on github.

To check if git is installed on raspbian run the command:

$ which git


If it is not installed, run the command:

$ sudo apt-get install git

Step 1. Regsister for a github account

Open a browser and click on the link in Step 1

Step 2. Cread a github repository

On the github site, click on New icon

Enter name of repository: your-repository

Scroll down, and click Create Repository

Step 3. Create a project

Name your project by creating a directory and moving into that directory

$ mkdir your-project

$ cd your-project

Describe the project by editing the file:

$ nano

Step 4. Create a local repository

Open a terminal window, and ssh in to the Raspberry Pi

Create a local git repository:

$ git init

Step 5. Setup git on Raspberry Pi

Run the following commands to set up your local repository's config file:

$ git config --global your-username

$ git config --global ""

$ git config --global core.editor nano

Step 6. Add files

Use one of these commands to add one file or all files:

$ git add

$ git add --all

Step 7. Link local and github repositories

Push the local repository to github

$ git commit -m "initial commit"

$ git remote add origin

$ git push origin master

Commit changes

After you've made changes, add everything that changed and add a comment explaining the changes:

$ git commit -am "this-is-a-comment"

$ git push origin master

If a push doesn't work, --force option will make github accept the changes, but this is not recommended

Get someone else's repository

Login to a raspberry and run the command, replacing items in angle brackets with desired repository:

$ git clone<user-name>/<repository-name>
