How do I find my WeMo's IP Address?

Note: I have replaced all my WeMo switches. I don't recommend using them. But, I had them for more than 3 years. So, some of my WeMo work might help others.

Yes, this annoying. The WeMo app does not show the IP address. And my AT&T router cannot show the WeMo's Friendly Name. So, to find the IP address, I must cross-correlate WeMo app data with Gateway data

How do I find my WeMo's IP Address, Port and Friendly Name?

Here is a script. Get the script from github:

$ wget

$ wget

$ wget

You may have to change the address in the script. This is the broadcast IP address on my home LAN. Yours might be different.

Run  the script:

$ python3 discover

and it will list all WeMo devices on your network with: friendly name, IP Address and port

If there is a rogue DHCP Server on your network, then the discover command will identify it.


I got annoyed doing the steps below and wrote this very simple bash script to get the IP Address, Port used and the Wemo's Friendly Name

I know it runs on a MacBook running OsX 11.4. To get the script, change to an appropriate directory and run the command:

$ wget

To run the script:

$ bash

There may be items you want to edit. For example:

The short way:

Install node-js and npm

Select macOS



Follow package installer instructions

Check the version

$ node -v


Get the WeMo tools

sudo npm install -g belkin-wemo-command-line-tools

enter your password

$ wemo -h -a GETNAME

The long way:


On a smart phone open the WeMo app

Select More

Click Settings & About

Click Hardware Info

Click on the Device Name of interest, which will show the device's MAC Address without colons in upper case

Open a browser and go to AT&T Gateway

Select Device and then Device list tabs, which will show the device MAC Address and IP Address but not the Friendly Name

On a MacBook, find the MAC Address on the page using CMD-F. 

In general, only the last 6 digits should be needed

Also, the Gateway shows the MAC Address in lower case

The WeMo's MAC Address needs to be incremented by 1 using hexadecimal arithmetic. So, ...C7528E becomes c7:52:8f