Alarm Clock

I am building a Alarm Clock Radio. One of its features is to be able to set an alarm and play music when the alarm goes off.

I should know what features are required for an alarm clock, but writing a script and playing with it for a while gives me a better understanding of what I need. So, I wrote a python script to set alarms in crontab and play songs when the alarm time was reached. I diddled with this for a while until it seemed to do everything I wanted. Eventually, I will add the commands in the python script to the Alarm Clock GUI.


  • Raspberry Pi 3

  • HiBerry AMP2

  • 1 or 2 Speakers

Step 1. Set up Song Player

Step 2. Install python-crontab

$ sudo pip3 install python-crontab

Step 3. Add the python 3 script to Raspberry Pi

cd to the /home/pi/radio directory and run the command:

$ sudo wget ""

Run the script using:

$ python3

Common commands:

Copy file from Raspberry Pi 3 to laptop. Open a terminal window on MacBook laptop. Navigate to whatever directory you want to use as backup for the script and run the command:

$ scp pi@♣hostname♣.local:/home/pi/radio/ .
