Table Saw: Attach Legs to Case
Step 1. Drill holes through legs and into plywood
Turn the case upside down
Place the front leg on front of case. The front leg can be clamped in place while the holes are made
Drill holes all the way through the legs and into the case
As each hole is drilled drop a bolt through to ensure the leg stays aligned
The back leg must be held in place because there is no place to attach a clamp
While holding the leg in place, drill one hole on one end and the next on the opposite end
Drop bolts through, which should help hold the leg in place
Once all the holes are drilled, remove the bolts
Remove the legs
Put the legs down and the case on top
Drop a couple of bolts through the holes to keep everything in place
Drop more bolts through the holes and on the bottom add a large washer and a nut
Tighten the nuts
Once all the nuts are tight use a hammer to driver the square part of the bolt head into the plywood
Tighten the nuts again
Front Leg attached to Case
Back and Support Legs attached to Case
Step 2. Add right angle bracket for support leg
In the top photo on this page, there is a right angle metal bracket in the middle of the backleg\
When the support leg is put into position a bolt dropped through the support leg and through the right angle brack will keep the support leg square
Add the right angle in the appropriate place to keep the leg square
Step 3. Raising and lowering the support leg caster
In the bottom right phot, the hardwood block is notched into the leg and attached with two bolts
In addition to the two bolts, there are wing nuts on the bolts.
Once the support leg is raised or lowered into a level position, the wing nuts are tightened to keep the caster from moving up or down.
The support leg must have a locking caster. A locking caster prevents the wheel from rolling or moving