Quick Setup Guide
Quick Setup Guide for WRT3200ACM or WRT190ACS Linksys wireless access points
Step 1. Connect Antennas
Connect Antennas as shown
Connect power supply
Step 2. Connect Ethernet Cable to Gateway
Connect Router to Gateway as shown
Wait until the power light is solid
Step 3. Connect Laptop Wi-Fi to the Router's SSID
On a laptop, open a browser with a new tab
The SSID and password are printed on the AP
Connect the laptop's Wi-Fi to the AP's SSID
Step 4. Basic Setup
In the laptop's new tab, go to: http://LinksysSmartWigi.com
Follow the directions and wait for the system to complete
I want:
SSID on gateway with 802.11b/g/n
SSIDn and SSIDn2 for 2.4GHz radios with 802.11n only
SSID5ac and SSID5ac2 for 5.0GHz radios with 802.11ac only
Guest Wi-Fi is disabled
AP in Bridge mode, so IP addresses are handed out by Gateway and all devices are on the same subnet