Pythonic code is a philosophy or an approach to writing python code that utilizes the full features of the language. My down fall is writing c code in oython.
Basic Requirements for my python scripts:
Comment header:
cite original author and link when appropriate
create a To Do (???) List and a Completed List in the comments
add references as needed
include link to this page
if appropriate, all scripts should be able to run as a module or as a main script
add argparse module (see for an example)
help should explain how to use from both command line and as a module
the arguments from multiple scripts/modules mereg into a larger list of arguments
store working code in github
run pydoc. pydoc has stricter syntax checking than either python3 or pylint
Print docstrings with command (must include ./):
$ pydoc ./
run pylint as last step (see below)
The Zen of Python:
To see the Zen of Python run the following:
$ python3
>>> import this
<zen happens>
Python rating 9.5/10 or higher:
Without much effort, I can run and fix the pylint results striving for a rating 9.5 out of 10. So, I think this is a minimum.
There are several tools to check if code is pythonic.
My goal is to find code that is not pythonic and correct it. I am not concerned with anal formatting concerns, such as, lines that are too long, or lines that have trailing whitespace or have whitespace around keywords. This is a waste of time.
pycodestyle mostly catches formatting issues. So, for me, pycodestyle isn't worthwhile
I use pylint on my MacBook as follows:
First install it:
$ pip3 install pylint
Run it using:
$ pylint <filename> --disable=C0301,C0303,C0103
Your code has been rated at 9.62/10
I suppress the following with my reasoning:
C0301 - suppress: line too long. It's not controversial,; it's stupid. It's not the 1980's and no one is limited to 79/80 characters in VT100 terminal or MS- DOS; If someone wants to argue about this walk away
C0303 - suppress: extra spaces at end of line. this is a don't care
C0103 - suppress: I prefer to use camelCase rather than snake_name
I prefer all global names to start with upper case, and all local to start with lower case.
So, following these rules;
CONSTANTS are all upper case
Global variables, Classes and Class variables are CapWord
Local variables, instance variables and methods within a class are camelCase
Basically, an anti-pattern is how python code should not be written. pylint won't catch everything in the link above.
IMO, which might be wrong for you, but is right for me, python naming conventions should follow a Subject-Verb-Object order,
where subject ~= Class
A method starts with a verb and may include an instance variable: As an example:
Sam is a class, orange is an instance variable and a method is Sam.ateOrange()
Pythonic Code: