CTF Photography

Course Overview and Materials

Do you wish you were a better photographer? Are you interested in learning how to capture that special moment in a great photograph? Professional photographers often say they make, rather than take pictures, which takes planning and influence from the artist behind the camera. Through learning the fundamentals and principles of photography, this introductory course will help you make better photos by developing essential skills in camera use and basic composition. These elements will include subject, composition, light and exposure. You will learn about various cameras, their function and of course obtain some valuable photo taking skills.

Required Materials (not sold by VVS): To complete this course you must have access to a single lens digital camera or a smartphone camera that is no more than three years old.

This is an optional Career & Technology Foundations (CTF) course for Grade 5-9 students.

Fees apply to Out-of-Province, International, and Educational Services Agreement (ESA) enrollments.

Grade Level: 5 - 9

Delivery: ONLINE

Dept: EL/JH Electives

Materials: No