Mathematics 20-3

Course Overview and Materials

In this course, you’ll gain the mathematical understanding and critical thinking skills appropriate for entry into the majority of trades or direct entry into the workforce. Topics include personal finances, trigonometry, algebra, measurement, scale and representing 3D objects visually. There are two supervised exams for this course, each covering one part of the course.

In order for a student to be successful in this course, VVS requires a minimum of 50% in Mathematics 10-3 or 40% in Mathematics 10C. Only one prerequisite is required.

Although this is an asynchronous course, we have intentional pacing and there are consequences should a student fall too far behind.

Required Materials not sold by VVS

Grade Level: 11

Delivery: ONLINE

Dept: Sr High Mathematics

Course Code: MAT2793

Prerequisite: Mathematics 10-3 or Mathematics 10C

Corequisites: Not required

Materials: Scientific Calculator

Credits Earned: 5