CTF Foods

Course Overview and Materials

Students learn about, and develop, essential safety and hygiene skills necessary for working in a household kitchen. They explore their personal eating patterns, set healthy eating goals, and learn how to make informed choices for healthy eating—based on Canada’s Food Guide. At the end of this course, students are given the opportunity to create a daily meal plan and prepare nutritiously sound recipes that exhibit all the skills they have learned.

Required Materials (not provided by VVS): The student will need to have supervision, access to a kitchen, kitchen tools, and ingredients.

This is an optional Career & Technology Foundations (CTF) course for Grade 5-9 students.

Fees apply to Out-of-Province, International, and Educational Services Agreement (ESA) enrollments.

Grade Level: 5 - 9

Delivery: ONLINE

Dept: EL/JH Electives

Materials: No