
A number of integrations from video to textbooks, are available to faculty, staff and students in Brightspace. The integrations are important to the delivery of courses and materials at NICC. Check out the information below to learn more about integrations you might see or use in your course.

How do the Integrations work?

Many of the instructions for the integrations are stored right here in the Knowledge base. See the list below and use the links to navigate to resources for that product. 

If students are to use an integration, instructions must be put into your course shell to help them out! We have instructions available for your courses - please submit a ticket and we will help you out. Additionally, if you are using a textbook integration, you can leverage instructions stored in the Learning Object Repository (LOR) by searching for the name of the tool and adding it to your course. This ensures you always have the latest and most up-to-date instructions. 

How do Students Access their Digital Materials?

The eLibrary is where the Bookstore keeps a record of all digital course materials that a student has purchased. This includes digital texts through Inclusive Access courses or items that are purchased directly from the bookstore. To visit the eLibrary, log into the bookstore, click on the username at the top right, and then select "eLibrary."

Each digital text that a student has access to is listed along with specific details for each digital item including title, author, and access information. If students have difficulties accessing their materials, they should contact the Online Bookstore at

Redemption information for all digital course products is emailed to students. If students didn't save the email or didn't receive it, they can go to the eLibrary and click on "Access Instructions" to find instructions on how to access their digital book or redeem their code. Students can also click on "Read Now" and be taken directly to the digital courseware platform (VitalSource). Once logged in, the text will appear automatically.

VitalSource is a common platform through which students access their digital course materials. If students are new to VitalSource, they should create a new account. If they have usedVitalSource in the past, they should access their new digital course materials with their existing account. Students should create one account inVitalSource for all of their digital course products. They should not create a new account for each text.

Links to each specific VitalSource text are stored in the Bookstore eLibrary.

What Integrations are Available in Brightspace?


ALEKS is an adaptive, online math program backed by rigorous research and driven by powerful AI. ALEKS precisely identifies a student's knowledge and delivers personalized online math instruction.

Ally helps make your course experiences more accessible by providing:

Canva is an online design and publishing tool with a mission to empower everyone in the world to design anything and publish anywhere. It can be used to beautify your course with banners, presentations and student assignments. Canva's premium service is FREE for all users with .edu email addresses. 

Cengage Mindlinks

This textbook integration accommodates single-sign-on, course linking, and gradebook sync with Cengage. Instructions for Cengage should be in your course. Instructors can add the most up-to-date instructions to their course from the LOR. 

View student instructions for this integration here. 

Elsevier Evolve

This textbook integration accommodates single-sign-on, course linking, and gradebook sync with Elsevier. Instructors can add the most up-to-date instructions to their course from the LOR.

View student instructions for this integration here. 

Goodheart-Willcox ASE Library

This textbook integration accommodates single-sign-on, course linking, and gradebook sync. Instructors can add the most up-to-date instructions to their course from the LOR.

View student instructions for this integration here. 

H5P makes it easy to create, share and reuse HTML5 content and applications. 

Hawkes Learning

This textbook integration accommodates single-sign-on, course linking, and gradebook sync with Hawkes Learning. Instructors can add the most up-to-date instructions to their course from the LOR.

View student instructions for this integration here. 

A remote proctoring service utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) to aid in academic integrity for the Brightspace quiz tool

Ice House Training

Textbook integration used by Business programs. Instructors can add the most up-to-date instructions to their course from the LOR.

View student instructions for this integration here. 

Business and Community Solutions utilizes Lumens to link BCS courses and users to Brightspace.

McGraw Hill Campus/Connect

This textbook integration accommodates single-sign-on, course linking, and gradebook sync with McGraw-Hill. Instructors can add the most up-to-date instructions to their course from the LOR.

View student instructions for this integration here. 

NEW: Instructors can upgrade to the new LTI 1.3 version of the integration. This new integration was successfully piloted at NICC in 2023 and is the preferred way to use McGraw Hill beginning in 2024. Contact DIID and review instructions here. 

Panopto is a lecture capture platform that allows you to include video, audio, screen capture or PowerPoint/Keynote/Google slides into a video recording. 

Paradigm Cirrus

This textbook integration accommodates single-sign-on and gradebook sync with Cirrus Paradigm for Microsoft Office Suite. Instructors can add the most up-to-date instructions to their course from the LOR.

View student instructions for this integration here. 

Pearson MyLabs

This textbook integration accommodates single-sign-on, course linking, and gradebook sync with Pearson’s MyLabMath & MyLabs. Instructors can add the most up-to-date instructions to their course from the LOR.

View student instructions for this integration here. 

ReadSpeaker allows the text on the page to be read out loud to you. It provides assistance in reading text online. By having the text read out loud, you can understand the information more easily. This makes the content more accessible and more pleasant. 

Simple Syllabus is a centralized, template-driven platform that enables instructors to quickly personalize and publish interactive class syllabi.

Plagiarism prevention is built-in to the Assignments tool in Brightspace. 

An industry-leader in video conferencing, Zoom is integrated in Brightspace for quick access to meeting with your class any time and any place. 

Want to Request an Integration to be Added to Brightspace? 

Submit a ticket and we will begin the process! If you are considering an integration that is not listed above, it is important to start the process right away.