
Zoom is the primary video conferencing software for NICC. All instructors will be given licensed accounts to hold virtual classes for all hybrid and online courses. Below is information on how to set up and schedule your Zoom sessions in your Brightspace course.

Setting Up Your Zoom Account

All NICC instructors should have a licensed account linked with their NICC Login account. In order to access your account, you will need to do the following:

From there, you should be directed to your NICC Zoom account. Feel free to edit your profile information. You will also need access to this site so you can set up different Zoom meeting settings. Please see the Helpdesk Systems Information site for more info.

Note: If you experience any issues with Zoom, please contact the Helpdesk at x555, helpdesk@nicc.edu, through their live chat, or in person.

Scheduling Zoom Virtual Class Meetings in Brightspace

Our current Zoom integration with Brightspace allows all courses to have the ability to schedule Zoom meetings directly within the course shell. In order to schedule your Zoom meetings you will need to do the following:

Once the meeting is saved, the meeting dates and times will automatically be added to the course's Course Calendar for students to see. Students will also be able to go to More Tools then Zoom to find the current and upcoming Zoom Meetings. All meetings scheduled through the Brightspace Zoom integration should be using a Generated Meeting ID. DO NOT use your Personal Meeting ID, please see the Helpdesk's Systems Information site for more information on possible Zoom security risks.

Scheduling Virtual Office Hours

Scheduling time to meet with students in person is not always easy with schedules, work, and life going on. However, you can always use Zoom to make it easier. You can use the following steps to set up virtual office hours where students can register to meet with you:

From there, you will have an appointment schedule that students can use to sign up for Office Hours. Alternatively, you can also set up a recurring meeting, or you can use other tools such as Calendly or the Appointment Schedule feature in Google Calendar.

Starting a Zoom Meeting with Zoom Rooms

Some courses may require you to have students join from Zoom Rooms between campuses. Here are a few steps to help you start and run a Zoom Meeting with one or more Zoom Rooms:

Starting the Meeting from a Laptop in the Room or Remote

From there, the students should be able to participate in the meeting from the Zoom Room(s). Students that are joining remotely can join your meeting by going to the course, selecting More Tools, clicking on Zoom, then selecting the Join button next to the meeting.

Starting the Meeting from a Zoom Room

From there, you should be able to host your meeting. If the rooms sound quiet, try adjusting the volume slider on the iPad.

If you are unable to find your Meeting ID, try using the 'Starting the Meeting from a Laptop' instructions above to start your meeting. Remember to invite your current Zoom Room along with the other Zoom Room(s) that students are joining from.

Please note that all Zoom Rooms should have documentation on how to use the room technology. If you or your students have any technical difficulties with the Zoom Room or Zoom in general, you will need to reach out to the Helpdesk at 844-642-2338 x555, helpdesk@nicc.edu, or live chat on mycampus.nicc.edu.

Turning on Closed Captioning

Turning on your closed captioning allows you and your students to view real-time captions of live meetings. This feature is useful for participants with disabilities, or even for those who are viewing a meeting in a loud place or might be having audio issues with their devices. It's a great idea to turn on your captioning now so your participants have the option to view captions any time they need them!

To enable Zoom's live Closed captioning for your own use:

Learn more about Zoom's accessibility features.

Zoom FAQs

What should I do if I am having issues with my Zoom Meeting?

If you are experiencing issues with your Zoom session, you will need to contact the Helpdesk. The Helpdesk can be reached at x555, through live chat on MyCampus or the NICC Login page, or you can send them an email at helpdesk@nicc.edu.

Why do I not have the option to record?

You need a licensed account in order to record a Zoom Meeting and host a meeting for longer than 40 minutes. You will need to contact the Helpdesk so they can upgrade your account. Helpdesk can be reached at helpdesk@nicc.edu or x555.

Why do I not see any of the Host options when I am in my meeting?

It is possible that you were not logged in to your Zoom account before joining the meeting, so you joined the meeting as a guest. You will need to leave the meeting, sign into your NICC Zoom account, then rejoin the meeting.

How do I edit an existing Meeting?

You will need to do the following to edit an existing Zoom Meeting:

What Security and Meeting Options should I use?

The Department of Instructional Innovation and Design recommends that all instructors use the Record Meeting Automatically to the Cloud option so that all virtual class sessions are saved to the course's Panopto folder. Helpdesk recommends that instructors use the Waiting Room and Passcode options to secure their meetings from unwanted guests. Another optional feature is to disable Join before Host if you are automatically recording as this will keep you from having short recordings of students joining before the class starts. 

What should I do if I have more than 50 sessions for my recurring meeting?

If you are going to have more than 50 sessions, it is recommended to do the following:

This will keep the scheduled Zoom sessions on the Course Calendar, but allow the meeting to persist beyond the 50th session. Please note that once the meeting is set to No Fixed Time, you will not see further scheduled meetings. This setting simply allows you to continue to use the same Meeting ID. You will want to make sure that your students know that they will still need to join at the designated days and times as previously scheduled.

Why are Zoom links from previous Semesters in my course calendar?

During a course copy, it is possible to copy in calendar events from the last time you taught the course. Due to this, you may have Zoom links from a previous Semester in your course calendar. As an example, if you taught in the Fall and used Zoom and then copied over all of the calendar events to your Spring course and then adjusted the dates using 'Manage Dates', the Fall's Zoom links will be in your Spring calendar. 

To remedy this, you have three options:

To delete the events from the calendar:

Am I required to record my class sessions?

Yes. Per direction from the Teaching and Learning Team, faculty are required to record all face to face theory courses (delivered face to face in the classroom or face to face via Zoom in an online synchronous or video class format).

How do I see who attended my Zoom session?