
Use the Attendance tool to log specific attendance status levels for a given day. 

To save you time, Attendance registers are placed into your course automatically near the beginning of a Semester. The default register features all dates Monday-Sunday during a Semester. We are seeking feedback on if this register works or does not work for you so we can make improvements. Let us know! 

Only log attendance for days your class is in session. You may skip over or (optionally) delete any days your class does not meet.

Tracking Attendance in Brightspace

Track Attendance in Brightspace

Tip: Quickly locate a day in the register by using your browser’s ‘Find’ function. You can do that by pressing CTRL+F on a Windows computer or Command+F on a Mac. Then, begin typing the date and it will jump right to that spot in the register.

Tip: Not sure what an attendance status means? Click on the ‘?’ icon next to the ‘Attendance Status’ column to learn about each option.


When do the attendance registers get copied in to my course?

Attendance registers are pre-populated into your course about a week before a Semester starts. If your class has started and you do not see a register, please submit a help ticket and we will copy one in for you. 

Can I delete or re-order the sessions in the attendance register?

Yes, if you would like to, you may remove sessions or reorder them. To delete, do the following:  

1) Go into 'Attendance'. 

2) Next to a register name, click the dropdown arrow and choose 'Edit Register'. 

3) In the far right column, you can click the trash can icon next to any dates you do not want. Then, click the 'Save' button. 

Can I rename the register?

No, please leave the name of the register as-is.  This will help us pull accurate attendance data in the future for advising. 

How often do I track attendance?

You should track and record attendance in Brightspace each day your class meets. You may skip over any days you do not meet. If you teach online, you will need to record attendance once a week before 5 PM CST on Tuesday for the prior week. Reports will be ran on Wednesday morning to be shared with advising for student outreach and support.

Video Tutorial

How do I track attendance for a lab or clinical?

You may track attendance in the same register, or alternatively use a second register. If you need a second register populated, submit a help ticket and we can place one in your course.

What is this attendance data used for?

Attendance data is used for financial aid and will eventually be used for advising and potentially other student services. We appreciate your help in tracking student attendance!