
Honorlock is an on-demand proctoring service for Northeast Iowa Community College that is integrated into the Quizzes Tool in Brightspace. 

Use of a webcam, microphone, and Google Chrome on a laptop is REQUIRED to use Honorlock! You will be prompted to install an Honorlock Chrome Extension. This must be installed to use Honorlock.

Note that Honorlock only works on computers and laptops, you cannot use Honorlock on a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet.

Click here for information on Honorlock's student privacy. 

Please refer students with Honorlock issues to the 24/7 Support Live Chat.

Live Chat 24/7 is available here: https://honorlock.com/support/

Honorlock Setup Instructions

Privacy Notice: Honorlock requires students to agree to Honorlock's Terms of Service and Data Collection before taking an exam or quiz with Honorlock enabled. This will allow Honorlock to be transparent with students so they know the data Honorlock collects and does not collect, as well as be compliant with Illinois' BIPA law. Students will need to accept and agree before continuing to take the exam as they would normally do. The prompt will appear on every exam or quiz that has Honorlock enabled.

Honorlock Settings


The Honorlock Accommodations field is used to inform Honorlock Proctors of any accommodations that may be necessary for some students. This will help in the event that an Honorlock Proctor intervenes due to persistent flagging by the AI. If you would like to set specific accommodations for specific students, you will need to follow these examples:

Students do not see accommodations, so students with accommodations may need to be made aware so they can inform Honorlock Proctors or Support in the event they are kept from continuing their exam.

Please note that this accommodation field is not the same as setting student accommodations in Brightspace. Any quiz accommodations such as extended time, special access, etc. will need to be set up in Brightspace (or textbook integration for third party exams).

Exam Visibility

This feature controls the visibility of exams in Honorlock for learners:

Effective Practices for Honorlock

Quiz Passwords

Technical Support

Browser Guard

Allowed URLS


Set Up Honorlock for a Brightspace Quiz

Student Toolbar

Your students will see the Honorlock Student Toolbar while taking an Honorlock-enabled quiz. This toolbar will give students access to the following (based on what settings you allow/disable:

The toolbar will be at the bottom of any Honorlock enabled exam and can be hidden or expanded at any time. In addition, an orange Exit Honorlock button will be available on the right side of the toolbar and should be selected when the exam has been submitted to end Honorlock Proctoring. 

Use Honorlock with a Third Party Exam

Create a Third Party Exam with Honorlock

Create a Third Party Exam


Honorlock Knowledgebase from www.honorlock.com/support