
Use the discussion tool to create discussion topics for your class to collaborate together. Discussions are generally text-based (like a message board), but the tool does allow for various audio/video sharing as well. 

In order to best understand discussions, it is important to understand their structure. At the highest level you have discussion forums. These serve as a folder or category for discussion topics to be housed. To help with organization, you may choose to group discussion topics into forums for each Unit or Week of the course. The discussion topics are the home to various threads and posts that you and your students share. 

Create a Forum or Topic

Create a Forum & Topic

Adding a New Topic

Respond to a Discussion Post

After clicking Post, the below pop-up message should appear confirming successful submission. Click here for more info on engaging in Discussions


What is the difference between a Discussion Forum and a Discussion Topic?

A Discussion Forum is like a category or folder that houses Discussion Topics. It is mainly used to set up specific settings for the Topics it houses, but it can be used to sort your Topics by Unit/Module/Week, content. etc.

A Discussion Topic is the actual discussion that students participate in. Your Topic should have a title with instructions laid out in the description field. Students will then start their own Threads on your Topic, and they will be able to respond to other student Posts.

What should I do if students can't see a Discussion Topic?

The first thing you should check is if the Topic or the Topic's Forum have a Start or End Date set as this can limit access before and/or after these set dates. Next, check if there are any Release Conditions as these could limit access if students have not completed the necessary requirements. Finally, make sure your Topic and the Topic's Forum are visible to students.

Why am I not able to assess my student's Discussion Post?

If you are not seeing an option to assess your student's Post, it is probably due to the Topic missing an associated Grade Item. Edit the Discussion Topic to make sure it has a Grade Item associated. If it does not, you may add a new Grade Item and then you should be able to assess your student's Posts.

Do I have to create a Forum for each Topic?

You do not have to create a Forum for each Topic, however, you cannot have a Topic without a Forum. Since Forums house Topics, you can have as many Forums as you want/need, and you can have as many Topics as you want under a single Forum.

How do I set up a Private Discussion so I can communicate with my learners?

From there, it should automatically create groups for each learner in your course and create a Discussion Topic in the Forum you chose/created. You can then have a private discussion with each student that can only be accessed by you, the student, and Brightspace Support. 

How do I see who posted an anonymous Discussion Post?

If you are viewing a Topic in Grid View, you will need to do the following:

From there, you should be able to see who posted the anonymous reply.