H5P is an online content creation platform that allows you to create various activity types that can be shared anywhere on the internet. With our Brightspace integration, you can create an H5P activity, insert it into your course or materials, and even grade student attempts. 

Create an H5P Activity

You can create an H5P activity either in Brightspace or on H5P's website. Due to the variety of choices, we will not be going through every step of creating an H5P activity. You will need to do the following to create an H5P activity:

Add an H5P Activity to your Course


You can add a graded activity by doing the following:

The page will then reload and your H5P activity should be at the bottom of the module

From there, students can go through the activity and H5P will automatically send their grade to the associated Grade Item. Please note that H5P sends over a percentage score, so if your Grade Item is set to 10 points, the student's grade will be the percentage out of those 10 points. For example, if your H5P activity is out of 25 points, the Grade Item is out of 10 points, and the student scored 13 points, then they will have earned 52% which will turn into 5/10 in Brightspace. 

By default, Brightspace will round a score up or down, so some grade schemes may mark a student's attempt as failed even though Brightspace rounded up their score. We recommend checking your H5P report to double-check what the student earned.


You can add a non-graded activity by doing the following:

From there, students can access and work through your activity without being graded on their progress. You can also add these activities to your Announcements, Activity Feed, Discussions, and anywhere else you can use Insert Stuff. Please note that you must have your H5P activity set to 'Do not send score' under the LTI Settings section, otherwise, H5P will automatically create a Grade Item once the first student has completed the activity.

Types of H5P Activities

Below is a list of the various H5P activities that you can create through our integration. If you ever want to learn more about these activities, you can either click Details next to the activity in the H5P integration, or you can go to H5P.org and see various examples.


Do I have to create all of my H5P activities in Brightspace?

With our integration, you can create activities in Brightspace, however, you can also go to https://nicconline.h5p.com/ and sign in with your NICC account. This will allow you to create H5P content without being restricted by the integration's smaller window. It is recommended to use the website when creating certain activities such as branching scenarios.

Can I use someone else's H5P activity?

Yes, as long as that person has enabled their H5P to be shared/downloaded. If you find an H5P activity anywhere on the internet with an Embed option in the bottom left corner, you can copy that code and use that on any website or course. You can also click the Reuse button to download the H5P file and then upload it to your H5P account where you can edit and/or share the activity.

Can I share my H5P activity with another instructor or school?

Certainly! You can share your H5P activity in one of three ways: