
The Calendar tool helps students and instructors to visualize course events in multiple views and enables integration of course content.

Sorting & Filtering

Calendar Views

Your Brightspace Calendar can be customized to fit your needs. You can filter your Calendar to show tasks in:

View All Course Calendars

By default, you will only see the calendar for the course you are in. However, you can change this by:

Note that you can remove a calendar from the list by clicking the X next to a course in the list. This will allow you to see all of the courses you want to see. You can always add a calendar by clicking the + button at the top of the pop-up menu. You can also click on a course in the pop-up menu to only view that course.

Calendar Tasks

Tasks act similar to a checklist for instructors. It is only visible to the instructor and additional options include the ability to set due dates with notes. The following tutorial will demonstrate how to add a task, add dates to a task, and complete a task. 

Adding a Task

Completing Tasks

To complete a task, select the checkbox next to a task. Once you select the checkbox, the task should be removed from the task list.

You can view completed tasks, and bring tasks back if they were checked accidentally, by selecting View Completed Tasks.

Adding Start Dates and End Dates

Adding Due Dates and Comments

Sync with Personal Calendars

Sync with Google Calendar

You can subscribe to all your course calendars or individual course calendars. This enables you to easily view your course events in Google Calendar. Any changes made to events in Calendar automatically feed to all devices and external calendars you have subscribed to. The details of the agenda view are also sent with the Calendar feed and are displayed as links. Follow the steps below to sync your Brightspace Calendar with your Google Calendar:

From there, you should have a new calendar added to your Google Calendar that will keep up to date automatically with your Brightspace calendar.

Sync with Outlook

You can subscribe to all your course calendars or individual course calendars. This enables you to easily view your course events in Outlook Calendar. Any changes made to events in Calendar automatically feed to all devices and external calendars you have subscribed to. To sync with your Outlook Calendar, you will need to do the following:

From there, your Brightspace calendar will be linked with your Outlook calendar and will update automatically.


How do I find scheduled Zoom sessions on my Course Calendar?

Why are Zoom links from previous Semesters in my course calendar?

During a course copy, it is possible to copy in calendar events from the last time you taught the course. Due to this, you may have Zoom links from a previous Semester in your course calendar. As an example, if you taught in the Fall and used Zoom and then copied over all of the calendar events to your Spring course and then adjusted the dates using 'Manage Dates', the Fall's Zoom links will be in your Spring calendar. 

To remedy this, you have three options:

To delete the events from the calendar:

Can I edit a Content Module's or Topic's Start/Due/End Dates in the Course Calendar?

Yes, you can easily adjust any Content Item's dates by doing the following:

Can I offset activity dates in the Calendar Tool?

Yes, you can do this by doing the following: