Panopto Videos

Panopto is a video platform that is integrated into Brightspace. Some of the videos in your course may be hosed in Panopto. You do not need any special software or plugins to watch Panopto videos. It is very similar to watching a YouTube video. Panopto can be very powerful and valuable to you as a student. For example, you can search inside of videos to easily jump to the points in the video that are most relevant. Note-taking or reviewing lectures just got a lot easier! Additionally, you can speed up or slow down the video playback using the player controls. If your instructor uses multiple cameras or sources during the video, you can switch between them on the fly. 

Your instructor may ask you to record a video with Panopto. If so, there are instructions on this page to learn how to do that.

Using Panopto for Video Assignments

Panopto released a feature that allows students to upload, record, and submit videos all without leaving Brightspace. While Video Note and file submissions have been used for video assignments, we recommend using Panopto for all video purposes. The Panopto platform offers more features for both students and instructors while being more stable. In order to use this feature you will need to do the following:

From there, your video is ready to be submitted for the assignment.

Panopto Basics

Using Panopto to Record, Upload, & Share Your Video

Your instructor needs to allow you permission to record. If they do not do this, you will not be able to record! 

Note: The Panopto Recorder software requires Administrator rights to install. In a hurry and need to use Panopto without the Panopto Recorder software? You can try the other options listed - Panopto Capture or Upload Media.

Note: If you prefer to use your phone, you can record using the iOS or Android app. Simply search for & download the Panopto app in your devices’ application store.

Tip: Ensure you have the correct microphone selected by looking at the volume level meter!

Tip: Panopto has a video editor built-in. If you want to trim your clip, check out our tutorial on editing Panopto videos.

Panopto Captions Video Tutorial

How to Download Captions

When viewing a video in Panopto:

When viewing an embedded video:

Panopto Advanced

Use a Mobile Device to Record Videos

Recording with a Mobile Device Video Tutorial

Move a video in Panopto

From there, the video will be moved to the folder that you selected. Please note that this can only be done if you have access to add videos to the destination folder, if you do not have access then you will need to request access from the destination folder's owner (most likely your instructor).

Searching and Viewing a Video in Panopto Video Tutorials


Why can't I find my video in my course folder?

It is possible you may have recorded the video to a different folder by accident. When you record a video in Panopto, it will go to the folder that you are currently in. You can also click on the Everything option on the left to see all videos that you own or are shared with you.