NICC Brightspace Home
Course Homepage
Pin Courses
Pin courses to the top of your 'My Courses' list for quick and easy access. To pin courses, you can do that one of two ways:
On the Brightspace homepage, hover your mouse over your course tile in the 'My Courses' widget. Three dots will appear on the tile. Click the three dots button and select 'Pin'.
Click on the "waffle" course select icon at the top of any page in Brightspace and simply click the pin next to a course.
When you no longer want a course pinned, do the same steps to remove the pinned course.
Want to re-arrange your pinned courses?
The most straightforward way to rearrange pinned courses is to click on the "Waffle" course select icon on any page in Brightspace and 'unpin' every course you have pinned.
After you've done that, click the pins next to the courses you want in the exact order you want. Refresh the page. Ta-da! Your courses are now arranged in the way you want.