G6 Health

(B) 第2-6週 9/4~10/6 

Unit 2: Interpersonal Relationships 

課程目標 Lesson objective: 

Lesson 1-1st period: Main concept: 

A. do something with my family (make you a better person)

B. do something to say thanks

Lesson 1-2nd Period: Students know that we can build good relationships and friendships with others through those skills.

Lesson 1-3: Chinese Teacher reviews the whole unit

Lesson 2-1st Period: Students learn a proper way to say no.

Lesson 3-1st Period: Students understand what a conflict is and how to resolve it.

課程任務 Lesson Assignment:

I can ____ with my family.

I want to say thank you to ____ for  ______.

(A) Joining different activities to make new friends.

(B) Find someone with the same hobby.

(C) Introduce yourself in a proper way.

(D) Chat or share with others.

(E) Care about others.

No, but…. (Ex: No, but I could do this instead.)

Thanks for…, but… (Ex: Thanks for asking, but I cannot do that.)

I am sorry, but… (Ex: I am sorry, but he is also my classmate.)

(A) Clam down and think.

(B) Accept why you are angry.

(C) Share and discuss your opinion.

(D) Listen to different point of view.

(E) Find solutions.

(F) Choose solutions. 
