G1 Health

(B) 第11-2011/6-1/12

Unit 3: Good health is your superpower

課程目標 Lesson objective: 

Lesson 1-1st Period: Students understand the importance of personal hygiene: brushing after each meal, brushing before bed, washing face, combing hair, and trimming nails.

Lesson 1-2nd Period: Students learn to understand when they should clean their hands and follow the correct steps of washing.

Lesson 1-3rd Period: Students learn how to take a bath by themselves and the importance of keeping neatness.

Lesson 2-1st Period: Students learn to develop eating habits that are good for their health.

Lesson 2-2nd Period: Students learn good personal hygiene about eating and good table manners.

Lesson 3-1st Period: Students learn about how food becomes poo (digesting system), and how to make their poop smooth.

Lesson 3-2nd Period: Students learn about the signs of different kinds of restrooms and how to use them properly.

Lesson 3-3rd Period: Assess the students, see whether they can use the restroom properly or not

Lesson 1-3: The co teacher reviews the whole unit. 

課程任務 Lesson Assignment:
