G5 Issue

(A) 第11-13週 11/6~11/24

  Theme 4: Career Planning

課程目標 Lesson objective: 

1. 學生須輪流扮演店員及顧客,以情境練習課程句型與字彙。

2. 學生能學習如何用英語點飲料(尺寸、種類、數量、冰塊、糖的需求)。

3. 討論台灣茶文化盛行的原因,以及茶飲作為創業的選擇問題。

4. 學生利用Canva完成屬於各組的茶飲店菜單

課程任務 Lesson Assignment:

1st period: Teach students about tea culture in Taiwan. What are the different types of tea in Taiwan? Where is tea grown? What shops do they  know? Design their own tea shop in teams and complete a handout. 

2nd period: Review last class and hand back the handouts. Teach students how to use Canva, and what is expected of them. Design an online Tea Shop menu using some of the ideas from class 1. 

3rd period: Enjoy some tea from around Taiwan. Students will finish their Canva tea shop menus. When complete, the class will look at them together and have a group discussion. 

Vocabulary: Winter Melon, Barely, Oolong, half, a little, a lot of, ice, sugar, small, medium, large, extra large

Sentence pattern: (Dialogue) 

Can I have a __________ _________ tea with ______ sugar and _______ ice, please.
