
Unit 2: Loving my eyes, ears, mouth

課程目標 Lesson objective: 

1. 學習近視的成因與保健方法。

2. 了解可能造成聽力損傷的行為與保健方法。

3. 認識不同牙齒的名稱、功能與牙線的使用。

課程任務 Lesson Assignment:

(1) Sit properly.

(2) Have a healthy diet.

(3) Regularly see an eye doctor for eye exams. 

(4) Every 30 minutes, rest for 10 minutes.

(1) Headphones are better than earphones.

(2) Turn down your music.

(3) Don’t use headphones for more than 1 hour.

(4) Cover your ears, open your mouth, and get away from noisy places.

(5) Blow your nostril one at a time.

(6) Don’t put things into your ears.

The way to hold the dental floss: 

(1)18-24 cm floss

(2)Wrap the floss around middle fingers

(3)Use thumbs and forefingers

(4) How to clean your teeth

(5) Slide between your teeth

(6) Curve the floss into a c-shape

(7) Make 8 to 10 stroke on each side.
