Custom Dashboard Tiles from Reports

Creating and Editing Staff Dashboard Tiles

Users can create their own custom tiles for their Staff Dashboard. Please follow the steps below to create a tile that shows in your Dashboard. 

To do this, you need to have permissions for Reports. 

The examples below will show:

Open Reports and go tot he Standard Reports tab

Go to Cases Report

Go to Appointment Summaries Report

Run your report with parameters that make sense for your Area

Use this link as an example Cases Report parameters based on the issued Kudos/Referral/Alert for the referral to Marieb Adult Learner Success Center which opens cases once issued in the Fall 24 Semester.

Use this link as an example of Appointment Summary Report parameters based on Appointment Summaries completed within the Alana Men in Motion location in the Fall 24 Semester.

Once your report has run you need to create a Pivot Chart and Graph you would like to display in your Staff Dashboard

Select the Pivot Chart icon

Select the Fields icon

When creating your dashboard tile, review the results of the report you ran, and the answer you are looking for when creating the chart. The results of the report will be listed under the All fields box. 

For the Cases Report the fields you would want to select and drag the Closed Reason into the Rows box and select Apply

For the Appointment Summary Report the fields you would want to select and drag the Requested Services into the Rows box and select Apply

Select the Charts icon and select the Chart that best meets what you would like to view in your Staff Dashboard.

You can click through and look at all your options before deciding. 

In Cases example, a Pie Chart looks best. Once you have decided on your chart, make sure it is the last one you viewed and then close the dialog box that is open. 

In the Appointment Summary example, a Pie Chart looks best. 

To get the top ten results, select the filters button, and select Reported Services. 

Select Values you will be able to get a count of Top (or other options) and input 10 (or other number). Then select Apply. 

Notice the difference between the two charts. 

Once you have decided on your chart, make sure it is the last one you viewed and then close the dialog box that is open. 

Save your Report with the name that make sense to you for your own account. In this example, the report will be saved as "Sample Report for Dashboard Example." Then Save as New Report.

Open your Staff Dashboard

Under the Settings button select Add Tile

Choose your Tile Name that will be displayed for this chart in your Dashboard. 

Select the Saved Report. In these examples, the selection is "Sample Report for Dashboard Example"

In the Select View, choose Chart Summary to have the chart displayed you created in the Pivot Chart. 

The click Save Tile.

Staff members can adjust the layout of My Dashboard by using the Drag Panel button (Four Diamonds) and drop the tile in the desired location.

Use the save layout once you are done adjusting tiles. 

The saved report will run with every night and update the tile each day.