Financial Aid & Student Accounts

Care Unit: Financial Services & Veteran Services

Location: Financial Aid

Services - 15 mins:

Services - 30 mins:

Services - 45 mins:

Location: Veteran Services

Service - 60 mins:

Staff Facing Services - 60 mins:

Location: Student Accounts

Service - 60 mins:

Staff Facing Services - 60 mins:


Categories viewable only for those in the Financial Services & Veteran Services Care Unit:


I Want to....

Opening a Kiosk:

Remember to use the "All Available Services" button 

Kiosk Services for Financial Aid:

View the Student's Profile:

Using the Appointment Center:

Appointment Center allows you to view all members of your location's availability to schedule appointments with Students

Send Mass Email to Assigned Students:

Sending an Appointment Campaign:

Naming Convention for your Campaigns: 

Use Advanced search to find students from the intake Survey: