Advising and transfer Center

Care Unit: Advising and Support Programs

Location: Advising, Career, and Transfer (ACT) Center 

Services - 45 mins:

Location: Transfer Services

Services- 30 mins:

Location: Career Services

Services- 60 mins:

I Want to....

View the Student's Profile:

Send Mass Email to Assigned Students:

Send an Appointment Campaign:

Naming Convention for your Campaigns: 

Create a Student List:

Download a report:

V3 Reports

V3 - Appointment Summaries Report - ACT Center

V3 - Cases Report - Cases opened that are assigned to you

V3 - Kudos/Referral/Alert  - Alerts issued on your assigned Students

V3 - Enrollment Report - Search course information, grades, and drop dates for your assigned students

Case Management:

Progress Reports