Appointment Summaries FAQs

Can I create ad-hoc summary reports for appointments that were scheduled in the Navigtae platform?

No! When you create an ad-hoc summary report, the platform creates a corresponding appointment on your calendar in the past. If you create ad-hoc summary reports for already scheduled appointments, you are essentially scheduling this appointment twice. Double-counting appointments will significantly skew the reporting data in the platform and make it more difficult to review your past appointments. If your appointment was scheduled in advance, you should only be adding Summary Reports to that appointment, rather than creating an ad-hoc report.

What is the difference between adding an appointment summary to an existing appointment scheduled through Navigate and creating an ad-hoc appointment summary?

If an appointment has been scheduled through the Navigate platform, it is important to file the Summary Report from this specific appointment in order to link them together. When you are creating a summary report for a drop-in appointment (i.e., a student appointment that was not scheduled in advance), you will need to create an ad-hoc summary report by following the instructions in this video. Creating an ad-hoc summary report will create a corresponding appointment on your calendar.

Why is my service not showing as an option to select in the Appointment Summary?

Only services associated with your selected Location will display as options for your summary reports. If you have questions related to the services you see displaying, please contact or try selecting a different Location.

Are Appointment Summaries part of a student’s official record and subject to restrictions under FERPA and local privacy laws?

Yes! Any information you enter into the platform pertaining to a student becomes a part of their official student record and may be subpoenaed by that student, as outlined in the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Please consult with the guidelines about what information to include (and not include) in Appointment Summaries.

Can students view their own Appointment Summaries?

At this current time, September 2021, students cannot view your appointment summaries.

Can you explain the logic of the different fields marking the start and end of the appointment in the Appointment Summary reports?

If the user creates an ad-hoc Summary Report (rather than creating the Summary Report based on an existing Appointment or Visit):

  • Meeting Start and Meeting End: the Meeting Start time will default to the time the Summary Report is created and the Meeting End time will default to the time the Summary Report is saved. The user can fill out or edit both fields as needed.

If the user creates a Summary Report for a Drop-in Visit:

  • Meeting Start and Meeting End: the Meeting Start time will default to the time the Summary Report is created, and the Meeting End time will default to the time the Summary Report is saved. If the user initiated the appointment from their queue, the Meeting Start time will default to the time the user clicks “Start Appointment” in the queue.

  • Check-in and Checkout: These fields will default to the times when the student checked in and checked out via Kiosk or Appointment Center. In cases where the student did not check out, the Checkout time will default to the time the Summary Report is saved.

If the user creates a Summary Report for a Scheduled Appointment:

  • Meeting Start and Meeting End: These fields will default to the scheduled appointment times. The user can fill out or edit both fields as needed. The meeting start time will default to scheduled appointment start time even if the appointment is initiated from the queue.

  • Check-in and Checkout: These fields will default to the times when the student checked in and checked out via Kiosk or Appointment Center. In cases where the student did not check in or check out for the appointment, the fields will remain blank. In cases where the student checked in but did not check out, the Checkout time will default to the time the Summary Report is saved.

Can I see a record of edits to an appointment Summary

No, there is no ongoing record of changes to summary reports available. You will always view the most up to date version of the summary report.

Is there a size limit to document attachments?

10 MB is the size limit for document attachments.

Can I create an appointment summary for an inactive student?


Can aN Appointment Summary be marked as private?

No, it will be visible to those with permissions to view the summary report, including those within your areas and Care Unit.