Care Unit: Tutoring

Locations & Services

Location: Tutoring (CAPS)

Other Locations: Tutoring Center, Math Center, Writing Center, ESL Support Services

Services - 15 mins:

Services - 45 mins:

Services - 120 mins:

Services - duration varies:


Students use the Navigate Student app, or desktop version, to view when CAPS services are available. They also use kiosks in the Centers to check in/out when using CAPS services. 

Navigate Student & Navigate Staff work together: 

If your availability is not added to Navigate Staff, students will not be able to view CAPS services' days and times in the Navigate Student app, nor use the kiosks in the Centers to check in/out for services.


CAPS uses appointment summaries in Navigate Staff to capture data for use in the annual report and our continuous assessment of services. These reports are crucial to our funding and how CAPS' markets itself to the campus.

You must use Navigate Staff, including creating an ad-hoc(anytime) appointment summary after you provide a service to a student. 

what to do in navigate

Log in

Log in to Navigate Staff with your employee HCC Single Sign On (SSO) credentials. 

Student employees: as an employee at HCC, you were given an employee email. When you are signed in to Navigate Staff, click on the arrow to the right of "Student Home" and switch to Staff Home. 

Log in to Navigate Staff.mp4

Update Your User SETTINGS

The User Settings feature allows staff users to set some key preferences and information.  Changing the Default Views in your User Settings will pre-fill fields in your Ad-Hoc Appointment Summaries, saving you a number of clicks.  

add Your availability

All CAPS tutors must add their availability (drop-in hours only) at the start of each term they are scheduled to work. Always use Tutoring (CAPS) as the location when adding availability.

You can add as many availabilities as needed. Use the last part of the guide to copy information easily, then just edit the days/times as needed. (Click the check box next to an existing availability, click Actions, then click Copy Time.)


If you have multiple roles in CAPS, please explore all roles that apply to you.

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