Your Brookfield Accounts

As a citizen in the 21st Century you will have the privilege of electronic access to a number of things using the Internet as the delivery system. The Internet is a connection between computer networks all over the world.

Here in the Brookfield Local Schools you will have several computer accounts that you will use that give you access to different Apps (short for Applications) and information that is important for your schooling. These include:

1. Local Area Network (a.k.a. LAN)

    1. This account provides access to the Local Area Network Account which is specific to only the Brookfield Local Schools. You issue these credentials at any Client or Personal Computer (Room 408A) in the building and you get access the locally held Apps and have access to your S: Drive (storage for your files).

    2. This account can only be created by the Technology Supervisor.

      1. UN: GraduationYearLastnameFirstInitial (EXAMPLE BELOW)

          • 84lesnanskyg

      2. PW: 00studentid# (EXAMPLE BELOW)

          • 00123456

2. NEW Google Account (2018- )

    1. Your Google Account enables you to create, edit, upload and store files online using a Google Server ("in the Cloud") and access those from any Internet accessible device.

    2. You can also work collaboratively with other users by sharing files (word procession documents, spreadsheets, etc.) and enabling co-authoring privileges.

    3. Go to

    4. Click SIGN IN



      • PW: two zeroes + studentid to make eight characters (EXAMPLE BELOW)

          • 00123456

3. Progress Book Student Access (NEW for 2020!)

    1. Progress Book is the gradebook system used by teachers in the NEOMIN family. Student Access enables students to check grades in all enrolled classes and see attendance and other relevant school related data.

    2. Go to

    3. Students can now sign in with Google. Simply click the Sign in with Google Button and you should be able to see your grades!

4. OLD Google Account (2011-2018)

    1. Your Google Account enables you to create, edit, upload and store files online using a Google Server ("in the Cloud") and access those from any Internet accessible device.

    2. You can also work collaboratively with other users by sharing files (word procession documents, spreadsheets, etc.) and enabling co-authoring privileges.

    3. Go to

    4. Click SIGN IN

      • UN: Two digits of Graduation Year Last Name First (EXAMPLE BELOW)


      • PW: Studentid + two zeroes to make eight characters (EXAMPLE BELOW)

          • 12345600

5. Ohio Means Jobs

6. Tinkercad (by Autodesk)

    1. Tinkercad is used by designers, hobbyists, teachers, and kids, to make toys, prototypes, home decor, Minecraft models, jewelry – the list is truly endless!

    2. You MUST be a minimum of 13 years old to create an Autodesk Account.

    3. Print the form, complete it (with parent/guardian signature) and return it to Mr. Lesnansky.

    4. Go to

    5. NOTE: This account is student created! You must open the new account the first time you login.

    6. You must your Brookfield Google Account under the following:

7. Fusion 360 (by Autodesk)