Would You Rather...?™ (Part 2 - Google Form)


STRAND: Information and Communications Technology

The understanding and application of digital learning tools for accessing, creating, evaluating, applying and communicating ideas and information.

Grade K-2

Grade 3-5

Grade 6-8

Grade 9-12

Topic 4: Use digital learning tools and resources to communicate and disseminate information to multiple audiences.

• With guidance, select media formats appropriate to content and audience.

• Evaluate the effectiveness of a digital tool to communicate information with multiple audiences.

• Use digital learning tools and resources to identify communication needs considering goals, audience, content, access to tools or devices, timing of communication (time zones), etc.


  • The student will create a customized Google Form that will showcase the four dilemmas defined by the game cards from Would You Rather...? and then share the form with others to collect data for analysis.


  • I can transpose cards from the game Would You Rather? into a sharable Google Form.


  • Would You Rather? (Game Cards) (as directed)
  • Google Form


  1. Watch the following YouTube video:
  2. YouTube Video
  3. Take the survey posted below to see the type of file that you will be creating: https://docs.google.com/a/brookfield.k12.oh.us/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdxWdoy0khScD8EgeayMK6Te4TfQMA9IfZCE1E_be7wyv2mfA/viewform
  4. Login to your Google Account
  5. Select Google Drive
  6. New>More>Google Form
  7. Create a new Google Form based on Part 1 of this assignment.
  8. Transfer you Would You Rather? questions to a new Google Form as shown in class.
  9. You may change the style and format of the form as permitted by the editor.


  1. You must print your form for grading.
  2. You must copy and paste your Uniform Resource Locator (URL) in the Google Form linked below: https://docs.google.com/a/neomin.org/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfyR-EOlO5bzJfWwP-vAM-7ogwfQnjElLa-fkNmWMl5KzIyRQ/viewform (NOTE: You MUST be signed in to your Google Account to sign in to the form!)
  3. You must then download the Check-Out Sheet posted below, make a copy, edit it and print it in Room 408. (NOTE: The Check-Out Sheet is a Google Doc so it will be saved automatically in your Google Drive).
  4. Now open the following link and take at least four other tests that have been created by other students: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18MjlvwerGHYlbMvnGDAx5-FUTZS1c6o6ebC7H4e-96o/edit?usp=sharing


  • If you are absent from school or do not complete the assignment on time, you must inform Mr. Lesnansky to check the assignment. This needs to be done early in the grading period as it creates a storage system for all of the documents that you will be creating this year. (NOTE: A point deduction may be enforced for late work not due to an excused absence.)


  1. DoK1: Can you add a new question to your form?
  2. DoK2: Can you change the color scheme of the form?
  3. DoK3: What other applications can you see for data collection in this manner?
  4. DoK4: Can you create a Google Form that collects data for one of your other classes?
Would You Rather...?™ (CHECK OUT SHEET)