

6. Technology Operations and Concepts

Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations. Students:

a. understand and use technology systems.

b. select and use applications effectively and productively.

c. troubleshoot systems and applications.

d. transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologies.


This is a multi-class lesson that will combine the physical education and computer classes. The student will squeeze the dynanometer to determine hand strength in both the left and the right hand. Based on this data a spreadsheet will be created to analyze the data.


  • GRADES 5-7:
    • I can use a spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets) to create a spreadsheet, enter data and program basic formulas to analyze data.
  • GRADES 8-12:
    • I can use a spreadsheet (Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets) to create a spreadsheet, enter data and program advanced formulas to analyze data.
    • Data Entry


  1. Watch the following video linked below.
  2. Obtain a test result using the Camry Dynanometer
  3. See your results compared to accepted values of "normal" at http://www.topendsports.com/testing/norms/handgrip.htm NOTE: You MUST convert your score to kilograms. Multiply your score times 0.453 to execute the conversion).
  4. Open Microsoft Excel.
  5. Open the score sheets posted on Mr. Lesnansky’s website.
  6. Create a spreadsheet that defines the "Hand Strength" of each of the members of the class. (SEE THE EXAMPLES POSTED BELOW)
  7. At the bottom, create formulas that define:
    1. Total
    2. Average
    3. Maximum
    4. Minimum
    5. Count
  8. Populate the spreadsheet with the accumulated data.
  9. Make certain that the Header and the Footer are posted as in the example.
  10. Make certain that your table is centered and will print gridlines.
  11. See class demonstration and example posted online
  12. You will be printing in black ink only so please refrain from the use of excess color as it does waste toner.
  13. When you are done, save your work in your S: drive under the appropriate school year and period number.
  14. See the examples posted below to compare your work against the defined model. (NOTE: Look under the Period Number for your class).
  15. Print the work in Room 408.


This work should be submitted by printing a copy of your finished product to the network printer in Room 408. (It may be labeled PROD LAB 408 or just show as HS 408). Leave the work on the printer. Mr. Lesnansky will grade it from there.


If you are absent from school or do not complete the assignment on time, you must print your Google Doc form work to the printer labeled PROD LAB 408 or HS 408. DO NOT SUBMIT THE FORM AS IT IS NOT GRADED AFTER THE INTITAL COLLECTION. The Google Doc will not be graded again only the printed responses will be graded. (NOTE: A point deduction may be enforced for late work not due to an excused absence.)


Your score will be determined by comparing your spreadsheet to the model posted below. Please find the spreadsheet marked by your period number and labeled (FINAL).

If your product is missing something or there is an error you will find a red circled code that indicates the mistake. These include:

  • C - Not Centered
  • GRID - Gridlines
  • FORM - Formula Error (one to three point deduction)
  • H - Header Error
  • N - Name (incorrectly placed or missing)
  • GR - Grade (incorrectly placed or missing)
  • SP- Spelling


  1. DoK1: If you repeated the test do you think you could improve?
  2. Dok2: What other data can you collect?
  3. DoK3: Now that you have completed an analysis of our class results, do the exact same analysis for the other Physical Education Class that also participated in the events. (The data is online.)
  4. DoK4: What other analyses can be created with this data?


Spreadsheets>Dynanometer (CHECK OUT SHEET)