Move-In Process

5-20-2020 Transition Age Students: Move in or Return after Break in Service

In-State Move In's

(1) In state: If a child with a disability (who had an IEP that was in effect in a previous school district in Oregon) transfers to a new district in Oregon, and enrolls in a new school within the same school year, the new school district (in consultation with the child’s parents) must provide a free appropriate public education to the child (including services comparable to those described in the child’s IEP from the previous district), until the new district either:

(a) Adopts the child’s IEP from the previous school district; or

(b) Develops, adopts and implements a new IEP for the child.

Guidance from Oregon Department of Education says that this must be completed with in one week of enrollment.

  • For move in students that that come from an ORsped school, notify Barb Haines ASAP to import student records from prior ORsped district. Include the student number and where the student is moving in from in the email.

  • For move in students who come from a district that does not use ORsped, you will need it to input the IEP exactly as it is from the prior district (in-state only), and send paperwork(IEP/Eligibility and Initial Provision) in to either Barb or Mercedes.

Out of State Move In's

Out of state: If a child with a disability (who had an IEP that was in effect in a previous school district in another state) transfers to a new district in Oregon, and enrolls in a new school within the same school year, the new school district (in consultation with the child’s parents) must provide a free appropriate public education to the child (including services comparable to those described in the child’s IEP from the previous district), until the new district:

(a) Conducts an initial evaluation (if determined necessary by the new district); and

(b) Develops, adopts and implements a new IEP, if appropriate, that meets applicable requirements.

HSD steps for out of state moves aligns with ODE:

    • Provide services based upon the student's IEP from the other state until (within 30 days) Oregon Eligibility and Oregon IEP are written and meetings held.

    • Consent for Evaluation and Evaluation planning-evaluate without undue delay with a comprehensive evaluation

    • Establishes Oregon Eligibility (New Dates)

    • Conducts and hold an annual IEP (New Date) and Determines Placement with the team

    • Obtains a Signed Initial Provision of Special Education Services

  • For clarification you can always contact your support specialist, Barb or Mercedes

Guidance from Oregon Department of Education says that best practice is within thirty days of enrollment.