Re-Evaluation Questions

A Student must be reevaluated every three years to reestablish eligibility, this process always begins with the IEP team, and holds an evaluation planning meeting with two professionals and the parent. A Consent for Evaluation is written prior to establishing eligibility and informed written consent given by the parent or guardian prior to evaluating the student, verbal consent is never valid.

The process begins with Evaluation planning:

A group that includes members of the IEP team, at least one being a specialist knowledgeable and experienced in evaluation and education of students with disabilities, reviews existing evaluation data on the student, including:

    • Evaluations and information provided by the student’s parents; and

    • Current classroom based assessments and observations; and

    • Observations by teachers and related services providers (not necessarily a formal observation); and

    • Information from the Permanent Student Record (progress reports, attendance, work samples, state assessment results, previous IEPs)

On the basis of that review, and input from the student’s parents, identify what additional data, a Consent for Evaluation is generated listing specific tests needed to re-establish eligibility. You have 60 school days from the consent for evaluation to re-establish or find the student not eligible for special education services.

If the team determines no additional testing or data is needed, how do we fill in the lines on the eligibility form? Do we list previous data and reports from previous eligibilities?

    • Yes, the old data will be listed, and the reports attached to the eligibility packet.

If a three year old evaluation report is used as a basis for determining continued eligibility, should that report be attached to the eligibility form?

    • Yes. Attach it to the copy for the Permanent Student Record.

Should documentation referenced on the eligibility form be attached?

    • Yes all supporting documentation is required for each eligibility packet.