XC Interview V.10
September 28th, 2022

Kaylee Foringer
Favorite Course: Mingo Park

What age were you when you started competitively running?

I started running competitively when I was 9 years old. I was running track and cross country for the USATF and also running road races until I could run for my school in 7th grade.

What is the toughest part of being an athlete?

In my opinion, the toughest part of being an athlete is being mentally strong. You have to be able to focus, be in control under pressure and be confident in yourself and your abilities. You also have to be willing to make sacrifices to put your sport first.

Advice to young people who want to start a career in cross country?

1. Don’t give up! When it gets hard, push through and it will pay off.

2. Learn your sport

3. Do it for yourself

What drives you to get up in the morning to train?
I train everyday because I know the harder I train and the harder I work, I will get stronger and be able to compete at a higher level.

Why are you so passionate about running?

I really enjoy the adrenaline rush I get during races. I love the feeling after having a hard workout or a great race, it makes me feel so accomplished.

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