Track & Field V.1
March 6th, 2023

Connor Rychcik

Mount Lebanon


Events:100m, 200m, 400m 4x100 4x400

According to you, what is the toughest aspect of being an athlete?
I think the toughest part of being an athlete is having a good mentality/mental health. If an athlete does not have a good mentality, they will not perform well. If you have a bad race, game, match etc. you have to move on and put it in the past because not doing so will affect your performance.

Do you have a former WPIAL athlete that you looked up to?
Nate Kirk (Sprinter at Carnegie Mellon University). Nate was a senior when I was a sophomore, and although only being 17 or 18, was one of the best leaders/role models I could’ve asked for. I think he is the leader I aspire to be today.

What drives you to get up in the morning and go to train every day?
The thought of winning team and individual WPIAL's.

What is the best advice you ever got, and who gave it? The best advice that I've ever received was from my dad. He said to be more like a goldfish because goldfish have the shortest memories, meaning that I should forget all the bad things that have happened on the track because it will make me happier and a better athlete.

What is your favorite sports quote?
“Hard work beats talent when talent fails to work hard”

PA Milesplit  

*Hard worker
*Determined to be one of the best sprinters in the WPIAL.
*100/200 runner who embraces the 400.