Track & Field V.
January 26th, 2023

Julian Kletz
1600m, 3200m, & 5k

Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of Track & Field?
Yes, outside of running my friends and I all love to go play Spikeball and Ultimate Frisbee every weekend. I also love nature and learning about trees and other aspects of our world.

What do you do to relax?
To relax, I always take a hot, Epsom salt bath. I then put on pajamas and binge watch TV shows. Especially on off days. I also grind Clash of Clans and hang out with my friends to watch movies when I am feeling social and relaxed.

What drives you to get up in the morning and go train every day?
Every morning I wake up wanting to be the best athlete I can be. I know to be the best you have to train like the best, so I always just get focused and set my mind on the training that day. Even on the days when I do not want to train, I think of the effects and what can come from it.

Which strengths do you believe you have that make you a great athlete?
To be the best athlete, you have to be disciplined and motivated. No matter the circumstances that day, I always will make and find a way to get out the best workout or run I can have. Discipline to me is the best attribute I have to this sport.

Why are you so passionate about Track & Field?

So I played soccer for about 10 years prior to Track and XC. Freshman year, I had horrible performance anxiety with soccer, so I moved onto track and field because I always felt natural to this sport. Even freshman year was rough, so I knew that if I want to go somewhere with this sport that I had to train as hard as I could all summer. When I started XC start of sophomore year, I knew that this was the sport for me. All the hard work made me gain so much passion for it when I saw the benefits at the races. Especially all the friends you make along the way makes me love this sport even more.

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