XC Interview V.4
August 29th , 2022

Jenna Lang
Bethel Park
Favorite XC course: White Oak or States

What age were you when you started running competitively?
I started running competitively when I was 9 years old; however, I ran my first race when I was 3 years old, and I continued to go on and run road races starting at age 7. I joined Pacers Track Club when I was 9 years old, and I ran track and cross country meets with USATF until I was 13-14 years old. I have now been running for my high school varsity team since my freshman year.

What is your favorite memory about Cross Country?
My favorite memory about cross country was going out to eat at Eat n' Park with my team after cross country meets, and the non stop laughing that would go on at practices and meets, as well.

What drives you to get up in the morning and go train every day?

I am driven to get better and better with every run, and knowing that every run and workout I do, will make me a stronger runner and shape me as a person. I enjoy the feeling of accomplishment after I run, especially when I am dreading a hard workout or long run. I am also motivated to get ahead of my competition and be the best runner I can be.

Do you have any advice to young people who want to start a career in XC?

1) Stay focused on yourself and your training, and don't worry about what other runners are doing!

2) Take one run at a time!

3) Eating enough and eating nutritious foods is so important!

Do you have any hobbies or interests outside of running?

I am also a cheerleader on my high school varsity cheer squad!!

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